Main > Medical specialties> Orthodontist


The orthodontist – the doctor studying an etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dentoalveolar anomalies.

Ортодонт – врач, изучающий этиологию, диагностику, лечение и профилактику зубочелюстных аномалий

History of development of orthodontics

Though the first references of need of correction of position of teeth can be found even in Hippocrates's works, formation of orthodontics began only in the 19th century.

The first works describing classification of disturbances of a bite were written at the end of the 19th century, and at the beginning of the 20th century there was the first association of stomatologists which developed afterwards into the American association of orthodontists.

The peak of development of orthodontics occurred in the thirties last century when dental intervention began to be carried out not only on medical, but also according to esthetic indications. In the next years efforts of orthodontists were directed to creation of the adjusting devices having at the same time effective and most imperceptible qualities.

Dentoalveolar anomalies which the orthodontist treats

The beautiful smile is an integral part of life on which depend both professional, and personal success of any person. Dentoalveolar anomalies which are shown as uneven teeth and malocclusion often become the reason of various psychological problems and promote development of various complexes.

For modern orthodontics there are no age limits today, and success of treatment depends both on qualification of the orthodontist, and on the level of equipment of clinic.

Dentoalveolar anomalies on time of emergence can be divided on:

  • The anomalies arising after the child's birth;
  • Inborn among which there is an irregular shape of both milk, and second teeth, crevices of upper and lower lips, a full or partial edentia;
  • Hereditary to which accessory teeth, a diastem, a deep, distal, mesial bite and an edentia belong.

Besides, orthodontists divide dentoalveolar anomalies into anomalies:

  • Separate teeth that is connected with their form, size, situation and structure of solid fabrics;
  • Dentitions that is characterized by narrowing, expansion, lengthening or shortening of tooth arches;
  • Bite which happens distal, mesial, deep, cross or open.

Methods of treatment of the orthodontist

Treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies consists of two stages:

  • Active during which the orthodontist directly eliminates anomaly;
  • Retentsionny during whom there is a fixing of the received result after removal of devices.

Professionalism of the orthodontist consists not only in skill of treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies, but also in ability to watch that devices did not lead to damage of an adamantine substance of tooth with all that it implies for health of teeth. For this purpose it is necessary to consider precisely the correct operating force of devices and in time to make their replacement.

Main orthodontic devices

The devices used by orthodontists to the medical and esthetic purposes happen:

  • By the principle of action – functional acting, mechanical, functional directing and the combined action;
  • On a way and the scene of action – one-maxillary, two-maxillary, combined and extraoral;
  • On a way of fixing – fixed, removable, combined;
  • By the form designs – plastinochny, kappovy, arc, block, frame and elastic.

Children's orthodontics

It is considered the most effective treatments at early age. The children's orthodontist adjusting the child's bite due to elasticity of fabrics and rapid growth of bone structures can effectively influence interposition of separate teeth and dentitions that brings results in short terms.

Correction of a bite at early age by the children's orthodontist will allow to avoid in the future emergence of a number of problems, such as:

  • Disturbance of ability to chewing that has an adverse effect on digestion and can lead to a serious illness afterwards;
  • Injury of teeth that promotes decrease in body resistance of the child in general;
  • Development of caries owing to impossibility to carry out careful hygiene of an oral cavity and bystry erasability of enamel of teeth;
  • Formation of dental calculi and the wrong dentogingival pockets that is one of the reasons of an inflammation of gums and a periodontal disease.

The children's orthodontist adjusts only the anomalies of development arising when forming chewing organs of articulation while the orthopedic stomatology eliminates the deformations received because of diseases or injuries.

According to orthodontists are the main reasons for development of malocclusion in children:

  • Hereditary reasons and disturbance of terms of eruption and dedentition;
  • Artificial feeding;
  • Some diseases of an oral cavity;
  • Preference in a food allowance of soft food instead of dense;
  • Some addictions among which there is suction of a finger, biting of lips and cheeks;
  • Habit to sleep in an invariable pose.

Statistically only 30% of similar disturbances are the share of the hereditary reasons. High prevalence of dentoalveolar anomalies at children according to responses of orthodontists, and also complexity of their correction at low stability of results of orthodontic treatment does necessary early diagnosis and treatment of disturbances of a bite.

According to orthodontists to begin to be observed at the stomatologist it is necessary as soon as possible – from two-year age of the child. At this time already the temporary bite arises, and easier and less painful to correct it before it begins to influence muscle work and new teeth.

How to receive the orthodontist's profession

Today the profession of the orthodontist is quite demanded and highly paid. To become the orthodontist it is necessary to graduate from dental faculty of medical school and to study an internship in orthodontics.

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