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The orthopedic surgeon is the specialist who is engaged in detection of pathologies of development of a musculoskeletal system and their correction.

Врач-ортопед – это специалист, занимающийся выявлением патологий развития опорно-двигательного аппарата и их коррекцией

The orthopedist corrects the deformed feet at children and adults, treats a clubfoot, a rachiocampsis, flat-footedness, a wryneck, dislocations of hips, артрограноз, scoliosis, new growths in bones.

There are children's orthopedists and adults. Also the inborn, and acquired pathologies of development of a musculoskeletal system, joints, a backbone, feet enter competence of these specialists.

In what cases it is important to get on reception to the orthopedist

Let's give here symptomatology of the most widespread diseases at which it is necessary to address the adult or children's orthopedist: flat-footedness, clubfoot, hip dislocation, scoliosis and kyphosis, wryneck, diseases of joints.

Flat-footedness is shown by pain in feet, change of their form. Also hypostases, onychalgias after moderate and serious exercise stresses can be observed. Flat-footedness can be inborn or acquired.

The clubfoot is always an inborn disease, one of types of deviations in fetation. The external sign of a clubfoot which becomes the reason of the address to the children's orthopedist is the child's foot turned incorrectly. Distinguish different degrees of a clubfoot, but if in time to get on reception to the orthopedist and to observe all his recommendations, foot can be returned to normal situation.

Dislocation of a hip is one more very often found inborn pathology. It is called still a dysplasia of a hip joint. Reveal it only on special survey of the newborn child by the orthopedic surgeon. In this case the timely address to the specialist is of also great importance. Judging by comments on orthopedists which are left by parents of the children who were born with a dysplasia, in most cases the disease is successfully adjusted.

Scoliosis and kyphosis – a rachiocampsis which can be inborn and acquired. Distinguish several degrees of scoliosis and a kyphosis. In most cases the rachiocampsis is visible to the naked eye. These diseases are treated and demand the obligatory address to the orthopedist. Inborn scoliosis and a kyphosis often reveal in maternity hospital or on one of planned surveys of the newborn in policlinic, on reception at the orthopedist.

The main symptom of a wryneck is an explicit deformation of a neck because of which the head is constantly inclined aside. The disease can be inborn or received already at later age.

Surely it is necessary to address the orthopedist if instability in joints (or even in some one of them), the swelling of a joint or its increase, morbidity in joints at the movement are observed, and also a poshchelkivaniye.

Orthopedists help to be recovered also after fractures of extremities and a backbone, bruises and stretchings. These specialists are called still orthopedists traumatologists.

What diagnostic methods are used by orthopedic surgeons

In the work the orthopedist uses exclusively tool ways of diagnosis - it is magnetic and resonant, computer tomographies, X-ray inspection, ultrasonography, endoscopy (it is applied at suspicion of diseases of joints).

Before directing the patient to inspection the orthopedist surely examines it, listens to complaints and primary diagnosis puts after survey. The diagnostic methods stated above use for specification of the diagnosis, identification of degree of a disease.

As become orthopedic surgeons

Orthopedists are the specialists with the higher medical education who passed an internship or an internship after training. By preparation orthopedic surgeons study clinical biomechanics, sports traumatology, field surgery, prosthetics, rehabilitation bases.

The orthopedics – rather difficult science therefore average medical educational institutions or courses cannot give enough knowledge in order that it was possible to reveal unmistakably diseases of a musculoskeletal system and to appoint the correct treatment. The visit to the incompetent specialist in this area threatens with disability therefore address to hospital only after studying of comments on orthopedists who in it work.

Whether you know that:

The educated person is less subject to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes formation of the additional fabric compensating sick.