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Whitening of teeth

Strong, Процедура отбеливания зубовwhite and beautiful teeth were always considered as a standard of beauty and youth, but until recently snow-white beautiful smiles, so inherent to the famous film actors, were considered almost inaccessible to the simple population of the planet. But the science does not stand still therefore the modern stomatology possesses quite impressive arsenal of means for whitening of teeth today.

Reasons of discoloration of teeth

Whitening of teeth, according to reviews, not only esthetic procedure. In certain cases it can become absolutely necessary for the person when teeth darken or get an ugly yellowish shade.

Discoloration of teeth can be divided on superficial and deep. Superficial discoloration results from consumption of the products having the expressed painting properties: tea, coffee, red wine, chocolate, mustard, tomatoes, Pepsi Cola, bilberry, soy sauce, nicotine.

Deep coloring of teeth results, as a rule, from use by the person of chemicals or certain medicines. So, for example, often at children teeth are painted in dark gray color as a result of use by mother during pregnancy or children aged up to eight years of antibiotics of tetracycline group. Deep coloring of teeth can be observed at consumption of water with the high content of fluorine and iron, and also at a number of diseases of an organism.

Methods of whitening of teeth

There are three main methods of whitening of teeth:

  • Professional whitening of teeth by means of special devices. Make such whitening only in a dental office.
  • Professional whitening of teeth by means of gels or special mouthpieces. Such whitening, as a rule, can be used also in house conditions.
  • Whitening of teeth in house conditions, using the special bleaching pastes, chewing gums and other means which can be got without appointment of the doctor.

Professional whitening of teeth

Undoubtedly, professional tools for whitening of teeth are much more effective and safe in spite of the fact that cost is higher than them.

To most of young people, as a rule, for whitening of teeth happens to refuse enough addictions and to use not too expensive public means. Of course, at pronounced problems not to do without the professional help. Here the most widespread methods of professional whitening of teeth:

  • Whitening of teeth by means of special structures. The technology of similar whitening consists in treatment of teeth by special structures which get into a time and decolour organic pollution, distinguishing free radicals. The most widespread means are the carbamide and peroxide of hydrogen. According to reviews, whitening of teeth by means of special structures is quite effective. Usually happens to hold several sessions of room whitening enough. Effect of some drugs is strengthened, stimulating education of free radicals. For this purpose use special lamps or radiation by ultraviolet.
  • Laser whitening of teeth. Such whitening of teeth, according to reviews, is considered the softest and not injuring. And, the technique of laser whitening is more modern, the it is less than ultra-violet heat or radiation it is required for activation of the bleaching structure, and the effect is stronger and stabler. Actually, whitening of teeth consists of several stages. At the first stage the doctor is engaged in diagnosis and search of the reasons of darkening of teeth. After that he chooses the optimum scheme of whitening, makes individual a kappa (capacity for the gel applied in house conditions), selects drugs. After achievement of optimum effect the special varnishing structure strengthening teeth and adding them gloss is applied on teeth.
  • Whitening of teeth ZOOM 3 system. This system consists in pretreatment of teeth potassium nitrate and fluorine after which there is a hardware whitening on time borrowing about 1,5 hours. After that the doctor appoints drugs for the supporting house whitening which set the received result and have soft effect, thanks to presence at them of amorphous compounds of calcium.

It is important to approach the choice of clinic and the whitening specialist carefully. According to reviews, whitening of teeth by means of excessive ultra-violet radiation and gels is often fraught with burns of an oral cavity. The competent specialist has to be able to pick up the scheme of whitening taking into account specific features of an organism of the patient, otherwise, the procedure can lead to increase in a tooth sensitivity and deleting of an adamantine substance of tooth.

Methods of whitening of teeth in house conditions

The most widespread folk remedy for whitening of teeth is hydrogen peroxide. At the same time whitening Отбеливание зубов лазеромof teeth in house conditions by means of peroxide of hydrogen does not require any special preparation. It is rather simple to dissolve 20 g of peroxide in 50 ml of water and several minutes to rinse solution of companies. After that it is necessary to rinse carefully a mouth water.

Recently on sale in wide assortment there are special bleaching gels on the basis of hydrogen peroxide which can also be used in house conditions.

One more known means of whitening of teeth – coal use. In ancient times for these purposes used wood ashes, elementary applying it on a finger and clearing powder teeth. Today instead of ashes it is possible to use absorbent carbon with success. It needs to be pounded in powder, to dip a toothbrush and to clean teeth coal. It is also possible to add a little coal directly on toothpaste.

Undoubted hit of whitening of teeth in house conditions is whitening by means of soda. Soda quickly enough and effectively deletes specks and pollution from teeth, but it should not be abused as it destroys an adamantine substance of tooth and injures gingivas. In general, this means for whitening of teeth is not recommended to use more often than once a week.

Quite new and effective remedy, according to reviews, of whitening of teeth is use of oil of a tea tree. Especially this method is popular the fact that it does not spoil an adamantine substance of tooth and does not injure a gingiva at all.

Contraindications to whitening of teeth

It is impossible to carry out the procedure during pregnancy and feeding by a breast, at children's age up to 18 years, with various defects of an adamantine substance of tooth. It is necessary to know that on various drugs intended for whitening you can have an allergic reaction.

Besides, whitening of teeth is forbidden in the presence of a large number of crowns and seals, the broken teeth and carious areas, plentiful tooth deposits. Whitening of teeth in the presence of a serious general illness (bronchial asthma, arterial pressure, tumors, etc.) is forbidden.

Whether you know that:

According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.