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Wet brain

Возможные последствия отека мозгаWet brain is accumulation of liquid in cells and intercellular space of a brain which causes increase in its volume and intracranial hypertensia. It is secondary pathology which is characterized by rapid development. Without timely medical intervention the lethal outcome can be an effect of wet brain.

Wet brain reasons

Wet brain arises as response of an organism to the injuries, infections or diseases connected with disturbance of work of a brain.

At craniocereberal injuries mechanical damages can be complicated by hit of fragments of a cranial bone in brain fabrics. Normal outflow of liquid is as a result broken. It is possible after falling from height, blow to the head or accident. At newborns birth trauma are probable.

The following infectious and inflammatory diseases can become the reason of wet brain:

  • Meningitis – a meninx inflammation because of a viral infection or uncontrollable reception of medicines;
  • Encephalitis – a virus inflammation most of which often arises after a sting of various insects;
  • Subdural empyema – a purulent complication of infections;
  • Toxoplasmosis – the infection caused by toxoplasma which is transferred from domestic animals.

The ischemic stroke is the direct reason of wet brain – blood circulation is broken as a result of obstruction of a vessel by blood clot. Cells test air hunger and gradually die off, as provokes liquid accumulation.

In the presence of a tumor wet brain – and press the frequent phenomenon as tumor cells quickly expand on healthy.

In certain cases development of this pathology can be connected with professional activity or sport. For example, climbers often have a so-called mountain wet brain connected with sharp height difference.

Wet brain symptoms

Treat symptoms of wet brain:

  • Uneven breath;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Severe headache;
  • Partial loss of sight;
  • Disorientation in space;
  • Disturbance of the speech;
  • Memory blackouts;
  • Falling into a stupor;
  • Periodic spasms;
  • Syncope.

At emergence of these signs emergency medical service is necessary.

Depending on weight and localization of a basic disease, various complications will be effects of wet brain:

  • The increased intracranial pressure. Is followed by block of reactions, drowsiness, disorders of consciousness, loss of skills of social communication;
  • Disturbance of breath and blood supply. Appears at damage of a medulla where there are all main centers of life support;
  • Astenisation of a nervous system, epilepsy. Happens after intensive rehabilitation care as there are commissural processes in likvorny spaces, ventricles and covers;
  • Bark misoperation. Is caused by long wet brain, influences thought process, leads to development of a decortication;
  • Tetraparesis, paralysis. Arises at a vklineniya and shift of a brainstem;
  • Apnoea, death. It is possible at disturbance of the vital functions because of infringement of a brainstem in an opening of cerebellar mashed or at uneven increase in volume of hemispheres.

Treatment of wet brain

Отек мозга - симптомы и диагностикаTreatment of wet brain consists in elimination of its reason, cerebral decompression and supply of a brain with necessary amount of oxygen. Medicines are chosen depending on a basic disease and expressiveness of symptoms. For example, at craniocereberal injuries apply an oxygenotherapy during which oxygen is artificially entered into an organism. At excess accumulation of liquid in ventricles, it is deleted by means of a special catheter that promotes removal of high pressure.

The most difficult method of treatment of wet brain is surgical intervention, but sometimes it is the only opportunity to save the patient's life. Operations are necessary at tumors, damages of brain fabrics by bones of a skull, and also at recovery of the damaged blood vessels.

Sometimes wet brain can independently disappear – after small accident or slight concussion, but for most of people accumulation does not take place in a brain of excess liquid completely. Therefore the doctor has to define danger degree always, and diagnosis is necessary even at insignificant damages.

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