Main > First aid> First aid at a sting of a wasp

First aid at a sting of a wasp

ОсаSeldom people who never in life were stung by a wasp – unfortunately, the attack of these insects the phenomenon very frequent, especially in hot summer months meet. A sting of a wasp extremely painful, but that it is much worse – it quite often causes allergic reaction. And if in most cases it is possible to get off short-term, though intensive, by pain and a swelling in the place of a sting, sometimes it happens so that the person stung by a wasp can be hospitalized or even to die. Usually it occurs in the presence at the victim of allergic diseases, for example, of bronchial asthma, or at multiple stings.

It is established that several simultaneous stings of wasps can become the reason of the general toxic reaction of an organism, simultaneous receiving 500 stings is unambiguously deadly. Therefore if it happened so that the person was attacked by three and more wasps, it is necessary to call immediately the ambulance, or to independently take him to hospital as soon as possible.

However even one sting of a wasp can lead to heavy and even life-threatening effects. It is possible in the following situations:

  • The wasp stung in a face or a neck;
  • The wasp got into a mouth and stung in language, a throat, a cheek or a lip from within.

In these cases immediate medical assistance is also necessary.

Measures of first aid at a sting of a wasp

The sting of a wasp should be noticed. As soon as you felt a thermalgia, it is necessary to be convinced that you were bitten by a wasp, but not a bee. It is simple to make it – if the bee stung, then in a wound there is a sting which needs to be taken out. If the wasp – that any sting is not as at wasps it does not get stuck in skin and does not break off, as at bees. So, if it is established that the wasp stung. The operations procedure is following:

  1. To wash out the bitten place warm water with soap;
  2. To process a wound an antiseptic agent (hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, Fukortsin and in general any alcohol-containing means will approach);
  3. If there is such opportunity, to put to a wound a salt compress – a piece of cotton wool to moisten in hydrochloric solution (to stir one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water) – it pain will help to calm. With the same purpose it is possible to use a cold compress (ice, a cold bottle, packaging of ice cream);
  4. To accept antihistamine (Suprastin, Diazolinum, Tavegil, Loratadin, etc.). It is especially important to make it when the person has a tendency to an allergy and to make quickly, without waiting for manifestation of allergic reaction. Also antihistaminic drug is necessary for children as at them, owing to features of immune system, reaction can be very rough.

Folk remedies as first aid

The contact of the person with a wasp happens suddenly, and not always near at hand there can be a soap, warm water and antiseptic agents. In this case it is possible to apply one of national methods of first aid. These means though are simple, but are checked by time and are rather effective:

  1. Acid destroys aspen poison therefore the wound can be processed lemon juice or 6-9% vinegar and if they are absent near at hand – the crushed acid berry, the kneaded sorrel leaflet;
  2. Pain after a sting parsley juice (for its receiving enough to pound several leaves of parsley fingers), or lacteal juice of a dandelion will help to calm;
  3. As an antiedematous and antiseptic agent of the emergency help the leaf of a plantain or a flower of a calendula known also as a marigold will approach. It is possible to use juice of an aloe and kalanchoe.

If there is no expressed allergic reaction which is shown in increase of redness and hypostasis in the stung place, emergence of an itch, rash, suffocation, etc., then these measures of first aid it can appear enough. At emergence of above-mentioned symptoms it is necessary to accept as soon as possible antihistaminic drug and to see a doctor.

As a rule, pain and hypostasis pass within several hours, reddening and a small swelling in the place of a sting can keep several days.

Whether you know that:

Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.