Main > Drugs> Piolizin


Ointment Piolizin represents the combined topical drug with antiinflammatory and antimicrobic action having the immunomodulatory and regenerating activity.

The instruction to use

Мазь Пиолизин представляет собой комбинированный топический препарат с противовоспалительным и противомикробным действиемPiolizin's effect is based on complex action of a filtrate of a medium of bouillon cultures of some microorganisms, salicylic acid and zinc oxide.

Indications to ointment use Piolizin are:

  • abscesses;
  • vaginita;
  • inflammations of stumps of extremities after amputation;
  • inflammations of an outside ear;
  • inflammations of sweat glands;
  • for the second time the infected eczemas;
  • hemorrhoidal irritations;
  • impetigo;
  • colpitises;
  • mastitis;
  • burns;
  • felons;
  • decubituses;
  • wound fevers;
  • wounds;
  • discrepancy of seams after operations;
  • cracks of feet;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • acne rash;
  • phlegmons;
  • furuncles;
  • barley.

Effect of drug is directed to suppression of pathological microflora and stimulation of own immune and regeneration processes of an organism.

Пиолизин наносят тонким слоем несколько раз в сутки на места пораженияAccording to the instruction Piolizin apply with a thin layer several times in days on places of defeat. From above imposing of a bandage is possible. At use of ointment according to recommendations of cases of overdose did not arise.

In the course of treatment by Piolizin emergence of local allergic reactions is possible. Drug is not recommended to use at individual intolerance of its components, and also to apply on area of a breast in the period of a lactation.

In certain cases Piolizin can be recommended as monotreatment. It is possible to get it in drugstores without recipe.

Piolizin is issued in metal tubas. The drug period of validity declared by the producer – 3 years. It is recommended to store at the room temperature far from sunshine and to protect from children.

Responses of patients and specialists

Today comments on Piolizin of patients and specialists are ambiguous. Some note its effectiveness and efficiency at treatment of the pathologies declared in the instruction. At the same time many specialists are skeptical about this drug, motivating obscurity and allergenicity of a bouillon filtrate.

Piolizin's effect is extremely individual at different patients therefore before its use it is necessary to consult without fail with the doctor. In this case self-treatment is inadmissible.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.