Application instruction:
Club moss club-shaped – an evergreen long-term sporous grass from family of the Club-moss family. Other known names of a grass: the club moss is medicinal, the zepka, a chicken pad, a box-thorn, is green, a rozvilnik, a pilochnik, a missel, a zelenukha, a kolotunnik, an earth or snake moss, a polzuchka.
In medicine apply disputes and an elevated part of a grass.
In disputes stearin, linoleic, palmitic, olein, myristic, geksadeinovy acids, active agents terpene, онацерин, ликоклаванол, sitosterol, sucrose are found. Disputes in July-August ripen, and them for further use in medicine begin preparation in August-September when escapes of a plant (strobiles) turn yellow. Disputes collect carefully not to scatter, it is better early in the morning or when air humidity is increased – so they do not scatter and are less scattered. Dry disputes only on air, in a shadow since after drying in furnaces they darken and slezhivatsya. Storage a dispute in time is not limited.
Stalks, leaves of a club moss club-shaped contain alkaloids, nicotine, flavonoids, acid dihydrocoffee therefore these parts of a club moss are poisonous. The grass can be prepared, since May and till fall.
Basic purpose of a club moss – treatment of diseases of generative organs, urinary, digestive systems, a respiratory organs, healing of wounds.
For processing of decubituses, elimination of an intertrigo at children, treatment of the becoming wet eczema, removals of a skin itch, healing of wounds use club moss disputes – as the drying powder. It is noticed that means well kills pains and cools the inflamed sites.
If there are bladder pains, recommend to host disputes inside, previously having pounded them with milk sugar 1:10. Three accept means р / day, on a knife tip. Two р / host day the ground plant disputes at diarrhea, gripes, rheumatism.
The grass of a club moss club-shaped has anticonvulsant, soothing, diuretic effect.
For removal of spastic stomach aches prepare tea: one teaspoon is filled in by 500 ml of boiled water, without cooling, filter.
Such broth possesses diuretic action: 1 tablespoon of the crushed club moss stalks is the share of 500 ml of water. The grass is made by 6-8 minutes on weak fire, two hours insist, filter. Drink infusion 3-4 р / day on a tablespoon.
At stones in a bladder, kidneys, acute cystitis cook such broth: two spoons of dining rooms a dispute of a club moss club-shaped fill in 500 ml of water, boil 10 minutes, draw hour, filter. Drink medicine on a tablespoon each hour.
At diseases of a respiratory organs one tablespoon of raw materials is made by 250 ml of water, boil under a cover 10-12 minutes, two hours insist, filter. Drink infusion 4 р / day on a tablespoon.
At gastrointestinal diseases drink 4 р / day 0,5 glasses of such broth: two spoons tea the dry crushed grass fill in 500 ml of boiled cold water, 4-5ch insist, filter.
At cholecystitis, hepatitis accept 4 р / day 0,5 glasses of such means: one teaspoon a dispute of a club moss club-shaped is filled in by 250 ml of water of cold, 8 hours insist, filter.
Tincture on a club moss can be applied in complex treatment of an alcoholism – to strengthening of an emetic reflex.
Disputes of a club moss club-shaped are a part of many homeopathic medicines used at bladder spasms, gripes, rheumatism, bronchitis, hemorrhoids, increase in a liver, vascular spasms, nervous breakdowns, fever.
It is not recommended to use a club moss club-shaped for treatment without medical recommendation and appointment because of its virulence. In a large number of means on the basis of a club moss cause severe poisoning.
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