Main > Food stuffs> Pomelo


Pomelo (Pompilius, shaddock) – a plant from family of a citrus which fruits eat many centuries. China is considered the homeland of a citrus, for sale it is also grown up in such countries as Thailand, Japan, India, Israel.


Often pomelos compare to grapefruit. Actually these two citruses have a different origin and very many differences. Pomelo is deprived of unpleasant bitterish smack, does not make up a hand, contains less films and is easier cleaned.

Trees on which this exotic fruit grows height of 10 meters, krone their roundish and compact reach, leaves oblong, about 20 cm in length, an upper surface their glossy, and a bottom velvety. Flowers of a pomelo large, white color.

At a fruit characteristic outward which cannot be confused with other fruit. Pomelo is larger than some grapefruit, the weight of one pomelo can reach 1 kg. The peel is thick, has shades from pale green to bright orange, pulp white, yellow or reddish. Fruit form roundish or pear-shaped, about 18 cm long. Segments of a pomelo large and juicy, with seeds, sweet-sour taste and pleasant citrus aroma.

Wild-growing species of a pomelo meet, but for receiving fruits commercially grow up them specially. Plants can grow in light and cool rooms, but in house conditions to grow up them it is difficult as it is impossible to create sufficient humidity.

The use rumpled

Most often pomelos eat fresh, also add pulp to structure of salads with seafood and exotic sauces. From a pomelo it is possible to make jam, fruit jelly, a stuffing for pie, a fruit candy, syrup for treatment of confectionery. Pulp of a pomelo well supplements fish and meat dishes. Low caloric content of a pomelo allows to carry it to the category of dietary products.

Fresh fruit can long be stored at the room temperature, they remain fresh longer than grapefruit. Quite often fruits bear a decorative role, decorating a holiday table.

Advantage of a pomelo

Fruits of this exotic fruit contain many vitamins and microelements. The vitamin list of a pomelo is presented by vitamins A, With, groups B. All of them participate in regulation of various biochemical reactions of an organism as all of them are a part of fabric enzymes. Vitamins A and With – the strong antioxidants protecting cells from damage by free radicals of oxygen. Vitamin C strengthens a vascular wall, raises a host defense of an organism. Vitamins of group B participate in formation of blood cells, regenerations - to recovery of the damaged fabrics promote.

From minerals as a part of a pomelo most of all contains iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium. These are the major microelements regulating intracellular balance and work of internals.

The advantage of a pomelo is defined by special organic matters which were emitted in the course of studying of structure of this fruit – a limonoida. In researches it was shown that limonoida are capable to prevent reproduction of cancer cells, that is to warn and treat oncological diseases. Anticarcinogenic properties of a pomelo are implemented on condition of his regular use, but on force they can be compared to medicines.

The advantage of a pomelo is defined by his ability to raise a metabolism, to increase formation of energy in an organism therefore it will be useful in fight against excess weight and to bystry recovery after the sports meets. Same promote sugar which contain in pulp of fruits.

Useful properties of a pomelo affect a condition of cardiovascular and nervous systems. So, the advantage of a pomelo consists in ability to reduce arterial pressure. Because of ability to improve mood these fruit it is possible to call natural antidepressants.

The peel of fruits contains many essential oils which have the toning and strengthening effect thanks to what with success apply in cosmetology and an aromatherapy. Properties of a pomelo to improve a state and outward of skin use in preparation of cosmetic masks long ago. Besides, bioflavonoids of a peel of a pomelo positively influence the course of chronic diseases of a digestive tract.

Мякоть помело

Caloric content of a pomelo makes about 35 kcal on 100 g of pulp of fruits. Low figures of caloric content of a pomelo and his pleasant tastes allow to recommend this product for the use to people with an excess weight.

Harm of a pomelo

It is possible to speak about harm of a pomelo very conditionally – this fruit is so useful. At individual intolerance harm of a pomelo can be shown in the form of allergic reactions as a small tortoiseshell or skin rash. Moderately people should use this exotic fruit with ulcer diseases of a digestive tract, at inflammatory diseases of a liver and kidneys.

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Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.