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Cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes are known to all for the small sizes. Really, the mass of one fruit makes about 25 - 30 grams, that is is comparable with large berries. These tomatoes received the name from "cherry" that in translation from English is meant by "cherry".

Помидоры черри

For sale in food such tomatoes commercially grow up in Turkey, Holland, Spain from where they also get usually on our table.

For the first time cherry tomatoes are removed in 1973 when selectors achieved delay of maturing of tomatoes in hot conditions. Since then there were many their versions. Different grades of cherry tomatoes differ in variety of coloring (from shades red and pink till yellow color), forms (extended, spherical, tear-shaped) and tastes. Taste of these tomatoes can be classical, and also there are dessert sweet grades of cherry tomatoes, including with aromas of various berries and fruits – raspberries, bilberries, melons, etc.

Plants of these tomatoes are very decorative, even use them for decoration of personal plots and dachas. Cherry tomatoes happen tall or undersized. They well fructify both in the conditions of the open ground, and in greenhouses, on a window sill. To the open ground of a plant it is possible to land only after the threat of the last frosts passes. For cultivation in room conditions it is necessary to choose grades of cherry tomatoes with sizes of an adult bush to 40 cm.

Tall tomatoes create brushes length to meter. On one brush about 18 fruits on average ripen. With crude fruits they look as clusters of very large grapes. Without support to such branching plants grow very difficult, as a support usually use thin sticks.

Cherry tomatoes do not take out a lack of moisture at all, it is required to water them every day. It is important to reap timely a crop as immature tomatoes will be insufficiently sweet, and overripe usually fall down on the earth.

Useful properties cherry tomato

Cherry tomatoes are a source of organic acids, vitamins of group B, C, E, microelements – calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, etc. The advantage of cherry tomatoes consists also in normalization of a metabolism, delay of aging of an organism.

Cherry tomatoes contain lycopene – organic matter which gives them red coloring. Lycopene – very strong antioxidant, it is capable to prevent emergence of cancer of gullet, stomach, intestines, lungs. Cherry tomatoes bring especially valuable benefit at the use them in cases of oncological diseases of female generative organs.

There are observations that cherry tomatoes reduce the frequency of cardiovascular diseases. As lycopene is fat-soluble substance, for the maximum advantage of cherry tomatoes it is better to use them with vegetable oil or sour cream. It is characteristic that heat treatment does not destroy lycopene as a part of cherry tomatoes.

Caloric content of fresh cherry tomatoes makes about 16 kcal on 100 g, in marinated about 18 kcal on 100 g of a product. There is no wonder, to 90% of their structure – water. Such low caloric content of cherry tomatoes allows to carry them to the category of dietary products which can be recommended at obesity and problems with excess weight.

It is known of property of cherry tomatoes to improve mood and to counteract a depression.

Preparation of cherry tomatoes

Juicy taste of cherry tomatoes was appreciated by kitchens of the different countries, but recipes with use of cherry tomatoes in Italian cuisine are especially various.

Decorative outward and fine tastes – the main arguments using fresh cherry tomatoes. They excellently will be suitable for decoration of any dish, with their use it is possible to cook tasty salads and snack. Because of the small sizes these tomatoes often add entirely what gives to salads unusual outward. It is good additive to meat dishes, pizza.

Cherry tomatoes can be stored fresh much longer, than usual tomatoes. Besides, they are good in a marinated, salty look. For their long storage it is possible even to dry, and then to add as gas station for soups and garnishes.

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Contraindications to cherry tomatoes

Despite all advantage of cherry tomatoes, they should be used with care to people with cankers of digestive tract and at pancreatitis (a pancreas inflammation). In spite of the fact that in fruits of cherry more sugar in comparison with usual tomatoes there are less organic acids, they can increase acidity of a gastric juice. Usually in day recommend to use up to 8 – 9 pieces of cherry tomatoes.

The use of cherry tomatoes should be limited also to people with considerable disturbances in a metabolism, and also with predisposition to allergic reactions.

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