Main > Human organs> Prostate


The prostate also known as a prostate, represents the body located is a little lower than a bladder. The main destination of a prostate – development of a specific secret which is a part of sperm. A prostate secret, defining an ejaculate consistence (in particular, promoting its fluidifying), contains vitamins, enzymes, immunoglobulin, zinc ions, etc.

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The prostate is located in such a way that covers an urethra from all directions, its output channels open there.

Functioning of a prostate is carried out thanks to control from the hypophysis excreting estrogen, an androgen and steroid hormones.

The size of a prostate can be compared to the walnut size, however the prostate can increase under the influence of various morbid conditions.

Prostate structure

The prostate is formed by three types of fabrics: ferruterous, smooth muscle, fibrous (covers a periblast). At the heart of a prostate structure – an acinus which represents a complex from the alveolar and tubular pieces of iron divided by connecting fabric. Output channels of an acinus open in a back urethra. Over channels the seminal hillock is located, in a submucosal layer of an urethra there are paraurethral glands which channels open in a prostate. Under a prostate seed bubbles are located.

Blood to a prostate arrives thanks to the upper and nizhnepredstatelny arteries leaving vessels of a rectum and bladder.

Functions of a prostate

The prostate carries out a number of tasks in an organism, basic of which:

  • implementation of a role of the valve which during an erection closes an exit from a bladder that allows to hold urine;
  • development of the secret of a prostate which is one of sperm components;
  • indirect impact on emergence of an erection;
  • emission of sperm at sexual intercourse.

Prostate diseases

The following is considered as one of the most widespread indispositions connected with morbid conditions in a prostate:

  • prostate adenoma also known as benign hyperplasia of a prostate. A disease at which the size of a prostate increases, owing to what the increased prostate pressure upon a bladder breaks its functioning. As a rule, adenoma of a prostate is observed at patients whose age exceeds 60 years. Its main symptoms are the increased urination frequency, the feeling which is subjectively perceived as incomplete bladder emptying. At the same time duration of an urination can also increase and be observed weakening of an uric stream. At severe forms of a disease there is an acute ischuria – a state at which the independent urination is complicated. Lack of adequate treatment of adenoma leads to excessive increase in the sizes of a prostate, formation of stones in a bladder, to developing of infections of urinary tract, and also to a hydronephrosis – a disease at which the kidney is filled with urine;
  • the prostate cancer or malignant tumor of a prostate most often develops at men after 65 years. Men among whose close relatives cases, and also the persons accepting drugs with the content of testosterone occurred also get into risk group. The main symptoms of a prostate cancer are similar to adenoma symptoms, however emergence of blood can be also observed at an urination, pain around a back or a basin. Cancer therapy of a prostate extremely depends on a stage of a disease and provides surgical intervention, radio - and/or chemotherapy;
  • prostatitis or inflammation of a prostate also belongs to often found diseases of the men's sexual sphere. At the same time the probability of its emergence grows with age. It is considered that a thicket men are exposed to a prostate inflammation 30 years are more senior. Depending on the reasons which caused a disease, prostatitis can take the forms acute bacterial, chronic bacterial, not bacterial and prostatodynias. Danger of prostatitis of any form is that about a half of the patients ignoring need of treatment risk to appear to a group of persons with infertility. For this reason it is important to define in time prostatitis symptoms to which various frustration of an urination, sexual function (a weak erection, morbidity belong at an ejaculation, loss of an orgasm, etc.), and also the increased nervousness of the man, connected with fixing of attention on the health. Quite often acute form of a disease is accompanied temperature with a fever and heat. Among possible complications are also noted: pyelonephritis, prostate abscess, obstruction of a bladder, recurrent cystitis and some other. As prevention of an inflammation of a prostate planned visit of the urologist is recommended to the men getting into risk group. In certain cases an adequate form of treatment is massage of a prostate.

Methods of inspection of a prostate

In addition to survey of external genitals inspection of a prostate includes a number of specific procedures:

  • rectal research by means of fingers. Thanks to this method the prostate size, its contours, a form, morbidity and other factors are defined;
  • prostate secret research. The secret of gland received by means of massage of a prostate allows to draw conclusions about correctness of the appointed treatment, and also to control absence of diseases. There are, however, contraindications to this method: acute form of prostatitis, epididymite, proctitis, urethritis, thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes, tuberculosis and stones of a prostate, anal fissure;
  • the tsistoskopiya and uretroskopiya are effective for definition of a condition of shares of a prostate, a neck of a bladder, volume of a residual urine and other indicators;
  • the radio isotope research is applied to diagnosis of tumors of a prostate;
  • the biopsy of a prostate allows to control the treatment course, and also is an effective differential and diagnostic method. Material for a research is received by excision or a puncture of the naked site by transrectal, transcystic, pozadilonny, ishiorektalny methods. The way is effective for diagnosis of a prostate cancer.
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