Main > Diseases> Preeclampsia


Short characteristic of a disease


The preeclampsia is a morbid condition at pregnancy which is shown by the emergence of hypostases increased by the blood pressure and a proteinuria (protein in urine). Usually this disease develops in the second and third trimester, but sometimes happens earlier. Statistically, disease frequency grew from 7 to 20% lately.

The preeclampsia is a disease which demonstrates serious violations in mother's organism therefore the pregnant woman needs obligatory inspection and performing necessary therapy. Symptoms of a disease break normal functioning of a placenta owing to what the fruit does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen that involves development of a hypoxia and hypotrophy.

Preeclampsia symptoms

Hypostases, the addition of weight caused by a liquid delay, headaches, an abdominal pain, decrease in necessary amount of urine, dizziness, a vision disorder, vomiting and nausea, change of reflexes belong to the main symptoms increase in blood pressure, protein in urine.

The symptomatology of a preeclampsia depends on its degree. The most severe form of a disease which is called an eclampsia except above-mentioned symptoms, is characterized by existence of spasms. The eclampsia demands immediate intervention of health workers and rendering the timely help as it can bring to hazardous to health and lives to complications.

Preeclampsia degrees

Distinguish three degrees of a preeclampsia.

1. Easy degree (an easy preeclampsia) - is characterized by increase in pressure not above 150/90mm hg, a proteinuria to 1 g/l. Hypostases of the lower extremities are observed. The quantity of thrombocytes in blood test is not less than 180х109/l, creatinine – to 100 µmol.

The easy preeclampsia can proceed asymptomatically, without giving the chance to future mother to suspect the beginning of a course of a disease. Therefore you should not belittle importance of inspection and testing throughout all pregnancy. It will help the doctor to distinguish preeclampsia signs at an initial stage and in time to take the correct measures for their elimination.

2. Average degree of a preeclampsia – is observed increase in the ABP to 170/110 mm of mercury., protein in urine more 5g/l, quantity of thrombocytes fluctuates ranging from 150 to 180Õ109/l, creatinine from 100 to 300 µmol/l.

3. The heavy preeclampsia - is characterized by increase in pressure over 170/110 mm of mercury., protein in urine exceeds a mark 5gl, creatinine for 300 µmol/l. There is a headache in a nape and area of a forehead, a vision disorder which is shown by flashing of front sights, pain in the right side owing to liver hypostasis. The heavy preeclampsia can pass into an eclampsia – one of the most dangerous forms of a gestosis which is characterized by existence of spasms. The heavy preeclampsia and an eclampsia are diseases which can pose a threat for health and life of mother and the child.

Preeclampsia reasons

The exact origin of a preeclampsia and eclampsia is up to the end not known. There are some assumptions which treat: bad food of mother, presence at an organism of high level of fat, and also an unsatisfactory blood stream in a uterus. There are certain risk factors of development of this disease.

Risk factors of development of a preeclampsia

Most often this disease develops at the first pregnancy at young women, and also at pregnant women who are more than forty years old. Arterial hypertension which was observed at the woman even before pregnancy, a preeclampsia during the previous pregnancies, the excess weight, a preeclampsia at mother or the sister can act as risk factor. Women at whom polycarpous pregnancy, diseases of kidneys, a pseudorheumatism, a diabetes mellitus is observed enter into risk group.

Treatment of a preeclampsia

Tactics of treatment of a preeclampsia depends on severity of a disease and a maturity of a fruit.

Лечение преэклампсии - контрол состояния материThe easy preeclampsia assumes observance of a bed rest in house conditions or in hospital. In particular, doctors recommend to spend time, lying on spin. It to a certain extent promotes a lowering of arterial pressure. Constant control of a condition of mother and child with obligatory measurement of arterial pressure, weighing, performing ultrasonography and a kardiotokografiya of a fruit, calculation of stirs is carried out. At increase of dynamics of a disease apply drug treatment.

Apply to treatment of a preeclampsia magnesium sulfate which prevents development of an eclampsia, and also anti-hypertensive therapy which is directed to a lowering of arterial pressure. In the absence of positive dynamics from the applied treatment and increase of symptomatology artificial stimulation of patrimonial activity or operation of Cesarean section is carried out.

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Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.