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from 756 rub.

Pregnoton – the balanced complex of minerals and vitamins developed for high-quality training of the modern woman for conception of the child.

Прегнотон – сбалансированный комплекс минералов и витаминов, разработанный для качественной подготовки современной женщины к зачатию ребенкаDrug Pregnoton, thanks to properties of the components which are its part, serves for preparation of a female body for harmonious transition to pregnancy:

  • Eliminates negative effects of stresses, excessive emotional loadings, adverse influence of the environment;
  • Contributes to normalization of a menstrual cycle, eliminating a hormonal imbalance;
  • Improves blood circulation, including bodies of a small pelvis;
  • Increases fertility, activates female reproductive system;
  • Creates optimal conditions for conception of the child, compensating for the deficiency of the vitamins and minerals necessary for formation and development of a healthy embryo from the moment of fertilization.

Composition of drug Pregnoton, properties of components

Pregnoton, according to the instruction, the dietary supplement to a diet filling shortage macro - and microelements and vitamins at the expense of the following elements which are a part:

  • B9 vitamin – folic acid (women's vitamin). An important component for formation of a placenta and additional blood vessels in a uterus at conception and fetation. It is required in large numbers on early durations of gestation in the period of fruit snowballing for growth and cell fission. Regular reception of Pregnoton reduces risk of bleeding and an abortion at the woman, prevents formation at a fruit of defects of a neurotubule;
  • B6 vitamin – a pyridoxine. Reduces irritability and aggression of the pregnant woman, in the first trimester of pregnancy reduces the frequency and intensity of toxicosis. B6 vitamin in Pregnotona participates in protein synthesis and the amino acids which are a basis of formation of cells of a fruit. It is required for formation of a brain and TsNS of an embryo;
  • Vitamin C. As a part of Pregnoton vitamin C participates in collagen synthesis – the basic connecting element of a bone tissue and walls of vessels. Necessary component of carbohydrate metabolism, metabolism of cholesterol, strengthening of walls of vessels and many other biochemical processes and reactions. Has antiinflammatory effect. Deficit of vitamin C reduces immunity, provokes weakening of walls of capillaries that can lead to thinning and damage of a fetal membrane;
  • Vitamin E. As a part of Pregnoton vitamin E improves saturation of tissues of the pregnant woman and a fruit oxygen, normalizes a metabolism. The lack of vitamin E results in muscular weakness, pain syndromes, increases threat of an abortion. At the fruit created in the conditions of deficit of vitamin E the risk of hemolitic anemia and a vision disorder is high;
  • L-arginine amino acid. Expands vessels, improving blood circulation and saturation of fabrics oxygen;
  • Magnesium. The microelement, necessary as a part of Pregnoton, participates in regulation more than 300 biochemical processes of an organism, carries out transfer of electric impulses between cells. It is required for activation of the amino acids and synthesis of protein amplifying during pregnancy several times. Deficit of magnesium during conception and on early duration of gestation can become the eclampsia reason (high arterial pressure, spasms) future mother, to slow down growth of a fruit, to provoke an abortion;
  • Selenium. The microelement in Pregnotona which is a part of the majority of enzymes promotes increase in fertility, increasing ability to conceive. Owing to deficit of selenium the hormonal balance can be broken, intoxication of an organism of mother and child is strengthened by heavy metals;
  • Zinc. Microelement necessary for protein synthesis, fats, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. As a part of Pregnoton zinc participates in formation and normal functioning of DNA in a cell kernel in the course of ontogenesis. The lack of zinc during conception and pregnancy can become the reason of peeling of a placenta, increase probability of inborn malformations of the child, provoke complications in the course of childbirth;
  • Vitex (Vítex) – a plant of a sort listopadny (evergreen), families yasnotkovy. Vitex extract in Pregnotona reduces production of hormone of prolactin and stimulates production of hormone of progesterone, eliminating an imbalance and normalizing their ratio necessary for successful implantation of an oospore. Vitex as a part of drug Pregnoton, according to reviews, promotes elimination of the reason for which the woman cannot become pregnant.

Indications to administration of drug Pregnoton, according to the instruction

Препарат Прегнотон не является лекарством, перед началом его применения рекомендована консультация врачаThe modern world is oversaturated by chemicals and physical agents who, getting to the woman's organism, reduce her ability to fertilization and increase risk of emergence of various pathologies when forming a fruit. These are nitrates, exhaust gases, free radicals, toxic substances, electromagnetic fields, positive aeroions, x-ray and other radiation exposure, high temperatures and many other things.

Administration of drug Pregnoton, according to reviews, promotes considerable decrease in influence of these factors on the woman's organism, neutralizes effects of their destructive influence.

Pregnoton, according to the instruction, it is recommended to begin to accept drug several months prior to the planned conception, once a day, dissolving 1 package in 100-150 ml of water during meal. Pregnoton makes duration of a course of administration of drug of three months before the planned pregnancy or in a therapy complex at diseases of female reproductive organs, according to appointment of the attending physician.


Administration of drug Pregnoton, according to reviews, is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance of components of a product. Drug Pregnoton is not medicine, before its use consultation of the doctor is recommended.

Storage conditions

Pregnoton it is recommended to store drug in protected from light, unavailable to children, the dry cool place. Pregnoton period of validity – 2 years of date on packaging.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

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To Pregnoton Sasha 5G No. 30

756 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Pregnoton of a sachet of 5 g No. 30, LLC Vneshtorgfarm

811 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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