Main > Diseases> Purpura


Пурпура - наличие на коже мелких капиллярных кровоизлиянийShort characteristic of a disease

The purpura is characterized by existence on skin of small capillary hemorrhages. Dot hemorrhages are called petechias, in the form of strips – вибекс, melkopyatnisty – ecchymomas, krupnopyatnisty – bruises.

Rash is most often observed on the lower extremities. Their color in the beginning red or claret, but over time changes on violet, brown, green and yellow (for 7-10 day).

Purpura origins

The purpura can accompany a number of diseases, but the mechanism of development remains invariable. Generally the main reason for emergence of a purpura is a tendency to bleedings owing to some pathological processes, such as damages or deficit of thrombocytes, the blood coagulation disturbances having the infectious nature or arising owing to reception of some drugs, pathological changes of a vascular wall.

Idiopathic Werlhof's disease

The Werlhof's disease is the disease connected with decrease in quantity of thrombocytes in blood. It can be as independent, and to accompany some other diseases. The Werlhof's idiopathic disease is a children's disease, shown preferential aged up to 14 years. It is more often observed at girls.

The mechanism of development of a disease consists in the following. Under the influence of some infection or medicines there is a change of normal properties of thrombocytes. The immune system of an organism takes them for alien cells and develops antibodies which block them. Such thrombocytes are caught by cells of a spleen and in it collapse. Thrombocytopenia develops.

On the nature of rash bruises and petechias prevail. At a Werlhof's idiopathic disease at children bruises can arise even from insignificant blows, in most cases develop on shins. Petechias can be both single, and multiple, appear standing.

Also symptoms of a disease are hemorrhages and bleedings. Most often gums and a mucous membrane of a nose are subject to bleedings. At girls in the pubertal period the Werlhof's disease can lead to plentiful uterine bleedings.

The idiopathic Werlhof's disease at children can end with an absolute recovery or take the chronic form. The chronic form of a disease is characterized by the repeating periods of bleedings. The main treatment of a chronic form – removal of a spleen. At an acute form of a disease appoint the drugs directed to destruction of the antibodies blocking thrombocytes, and also the drugs stopping bleedings. At a severe form of course of a disease and plentiful bleedings hemotransfusion is shown.

The main measure of prevention of aggravations at a chronic form of a Werlhof's disease at children is elimination of the centers of an infection (caries, tonsillitis, etc.). After the postponed disease the child has to be observed within five years at the hematologist.Начало пурпуры сосудистой - озноб и сыпь

Trombotichesky Werlhof's disease

This disease is characterized by the increased formation of blood clots, meets at any age. Can arise after introduction of vaccines, reception of medicines, to accompany some other diseases (a meningococcal infection, malignant tumors).

Harbingers of a disease is the headache, vomiting or nausea, a vision disorder, acute abdominal pains. There are bruises and petechias, development of neurologic and mental disorders is possible. Damage of kidneys, increase in a liver and spleen is observed. The Trombotichesky purpura can last as several days, and several weeks. Because of defeat of vessels of heart, a brain and kidneys death (20-30%) is possible. The main treatment of a purpura trombotichesky – плазмообмен own plasma on donor.

Shenleyna-Genokh's purpura (vascular purpura)

This disease is shown by an inflammation of vessels of skin and body organs. Drug intake, viral or bacterial infections, reaction to introduction of some vaccines can be origins. Most often the disease arises aged up to 20 years.

The onset of the illness is followed by fervescence, then melkopyatnisty rash standing, buttocks, shoulders and in joints develops. Also pain and hypostasis of joints, sudden abdominal pains, vomiting, a liquid chair is observed, developing of gastrointestinal bleeding is possible. There is a damage of kidneys, hearts, sometimes the central nervous system.

Treatment of a purpura of Shenleyna-Genokh is directed to blocking of creation of new cell-bound immune complexes. Also appoint a hypoallergenic diet and a bed rest. The disease usually lasts from 2 to 4 weeks then there occurs recovery.

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