Main> Muscle strain

Muscle strain

The muscle strain is the injury of the copular and muscular device caused by excessive loading a tension. Most often such problem arises at hard physical activity and sports activities when the movements are too bystry and active. The large role in the mechanism of an injury is played by unpreparedness of muscles to hard work.Растяжение мышц - результат чрезмерной нагрузки натяжением

Symptoms of an injury of muscles

The muscle strain is shown by severe pain. There can be a feeling that something is torn or bursts in a muscle. Further there is impossible or strongly painful a movement in the injured extremity or a neck, a back. The next minutes after a muscle strain in the field of an injury there is a swelling, hemorrhage. These phenomena are connected with ruptures of vessels. Muscle strain of a hip and a back are the most typical for this type of an injury. The muscle strain of a back is usually connected with heavy lifting, especially if the movements were carried out very sharply. It is possible to injure back muscles in the gym, and it is possible also on the seasonal dacha or when moving. If the injury occurred, then the movement in a backbone is limited to severe pain, it is often difficult to turn a trunk, a neck. The hip muscle strain especially often occurs at sports activities and in a winter span when the sharp movements at loss of balance are connected with ice. This injury can strongly limit walking. To exclude injury of a bone tissue, carrying out radiological inspection sometimes is required.

Treatment of a muscle strain

Массаж - один из методов лечения растяжения мышцTreatment of a muscle strain is a long process which continues from one week to one and a half months. Important right after traumatized to give help to the victim. It is necessary to limit the movement in the injured muscles for 48 hours. At a back muscle strain within two days it is impossible to lift weights, to do turns and inclinations. If there was a muscle strain of a hip, shins, then the patient has to unload an extremity – for example, to observe a bed rest or to move by means of crutches.

On area of a body where after an injury the tumor develops, hemorrhage it is necessary to put a cold compress or to put ice. At first put fabric on skin, and further packages of ice or any cold objects (the frozen products, cubes of food ice and so forth will approach). In the first two days it is recommended to put repeatedly ice to the stretched muscle each three-four hours for 20 minutes. The compressing bandage from elastic rollers is applied the damaged part of a body to reduce a swelling and morbidity. If the extremity is injured, then it should be fixed in the raised situation.

In two days cold procedures replace with warming. It is possible to use the warming compresses, a hot bathtub. It is necessary to carry out easy exercises on an extension, to do self-massage (stroking, puddling). Medical intervention at a muscle strain comes down to physiotreatment, medical massage and purpose of anesthetics. From physiotherapeutic procedures magnetotherapy, laser therapy and фонофорез is most often appointed. On skin in the field of an injury it is possible to apply the antiinflammatory and warming ointments. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nimesit, diclofenac, indometacin, an ibuprofen and others) or bee, snake poisons, extract of red pepper are their part.

If pain very strong also prevents to fall asleep, then in day of an injury and within two-three next days the doctor can appoint the anesthetizing tablets and pricks. If the muscle strain prevents to go and perform work, then such injury is the indication to opening of a leaf of temporary disability (sick-list).

Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.