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Garden radish

The garden radish is an edible plant from family cabbage which is widespread and is popular in many countries of the world. It is grown up and eaten as vegetable.


Biological features and distribution of a garden radish

For the first time the garden radish was grown up in Central Asia. In Japan, Greece and Egypt this vegetable is known since ancient times. Rome grew up winter grades of a garden radish and ate them with salt, vinegar and honey.

Since the end of the 16th century the garden radish gained distribution in Europe and began to be appreciated by the French cooks who began to add it to refined dishes.

To Russia the garden radish was brought from Holland by Peter I, and is later than his steel to eat exclusive classes of society.

There are several main grades of a garden radish which differ by origin and are divided into the European, Chinese and Japanese grades.

The garden radish can be both an annual, and biannual plant. The form of a root crop can be round or extended with pink, violet and red-yellow shades.

Useful properties of a garden radish

The garden radish has a set of useful properties, thanks to the structure which is vitamin-rich groups B, mineral substances (potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium), ascorbic acid, proteins and cellulose.

The root crop contains fats, sugar, enzymes and organic acids which are useful to gums, teeth, circulatory and musculoskeletal systems.

The advantage of a garden radish for people with an excess weight, cardiovascular diseases, failures in work of the alimentary system and blood circulation disturbances is high.

In east medicine useful properties of a garden radish estimated long ago. The advantage of a garden radish as the rejuvenating means which influences intercellular membranes, improving their permeability and a possibility of absorption of nutrients is revealed.

Cellulose which contains in this vegetable helps removal from an organism of cholesterol and harmful substances. On the content of cellulose the garden radish is similar to tomatoes, garlic, beet and cabbage, but surpasses vegetable marrows twice.

Also the garden radish contains useful substances which normalize the content of sugar in blood.

At a headache fresh juice of this vegetable is effective, and at injuries, radiculitis, bruises, stretchings and joint pains impose compresses with the crushed garden radish.

In cosmetology use nutritious masks with small cut garden radish and addition of olive oil.

Useful properties of a garden radish are shown at prevention of atherosclerosis and for appetite improvement. Juice of a garden radish is antiedematous, cholagogue and anti-inflammatory drug.

Garden radish caloric content

Caloric content of a garden radish is similar to tomatoes, bush pumpkins and eggplants, but surpasses these vegetables in amount of protein.

Caloric content of a garden radish makes 19 kcal., and also a vegetable contains 1 g of proteins, 0,1 g of fats and 3 g of carbohydrates.


The garden radish is appreciated pleasant taste, sharpness and juiciness. Eat, generally can use a vegetable root crop, and a tops of vegetable in the form of tincture and for salad.

The regular use of a garden radish improves complexion, normalizes functioning of cardiovascular system and stabilizes work of digestive organs.

The international medical researches conducted at Ohio university (USA) proved that vegetables and fruit with a violet shade are prophylactics of cancer of digestive organs. The main reason for advantage of a garden radish and similar to it vegetables is existence of pigments of anthocyans in them which have anticarcinogenic activity.

From root crops of a garden radish cook salads and okroshka, and use foliage for soups.

In a midland of Russia the garden radish is grown up in the early spring in hotbeds, and in April landed on the open ground. This vegetable ascends within several days after landing, quickly grows and yields a plentiful harvest. The fresh garden radish contains vitamins and minerals, important for a human body, which are especially necessary during the winter period of year.

Салат с редисом


People with individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions at the use of a garden radish can have a dizziness and a headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

With care the garden radish should be used to people with diseases of the alimentary system, in particular with gastritises and a peptic ulcer. At the frequent use of this vegetable there can be attacks and exacerbations of some diseases of bodies of a GIT.

Because the root crop contains cyanogenetic glycosides, it should not be used to people with diseases of a thyroid gland.

In the presence of disturbances in functioning of endocrine system it is better to use a garden radish in a boiled look.

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