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Kaposha's sarcoma

Симптомы Саркома Капоши

The dreadful disease "Kaposcha's sarcoma" was called so in honor of Moritz Kaposcha, the Austrian dermatologist who opened this type of a skin disease. It is the tumor developing from cells of blood vessels of skin.

Kaposha's sarcoma is characterized by emergence on skin of spots of red-brown color, with pronounced edges. First of all, it is a malignant tumor (a malignant new growth of a derma), so, it poses a threat for human life.

On the main signs distinguish 2 forms of sarcoma of Kaposha:

  • The patients with a disease Kaposha's sarcoma – elderly people of the European countries. The tumor of a zlokachestvenn, grows slowly and is localized in one place, practically without extending to other body parts.
  • Kaposha's sarcoma the children and young people living in the Central Africa become victims of a disease. Kaposha's sarcoma of the second type "attacks" internals and lymph nodes, at the same time, often affecting a derma. In risk group there are also people sick with AIDS.

Symptoms of sarcoma of Kaposha

Kaposha's sarcoma can affect both an integument, and internals and lymph nodes. At the first symptoms Kaposha's sarcoma can develop a brown spot on one of "favourite" places of a disease: on ступнях, hands, a shin. A spot this small, and only eventually it can have an effect, causing an easy pricking and an itch. Then the spot becomes brighter and begins to swell up a little, becoming to the touch smooth or rough. Hemorrhages and pigmentation are also possible.

Development can take place a symptom of sarcoma of Kaposha also according to other "scenario": the violet spot of an oval form appears on a face, gradually develops and extends to lymph nodes and internals, causing internal bleedings.

It is accepted to distinguish three clinical stages of development of sarcoma of Kaposha:

  • Spotty – an initial stage of a disease at which pink spots by diameter to the 1-5th were only just formed. Surface of spots equal, smooth.
  • Papular – the elements of sarcoma of Kaposha which are still isolated from each other. Continue to grow, reaching diameter of 1 cm. At merge of elements plaques, smooth or rough to the touch are formed.
  • Tumoral – formation of nodes which merge, later. Diameter is up to 5 cm.

All patients can not always have identical symptoms of sarcoma of Kaposha. The disease can proceed in an acute form that assumes a prompt course of a disease and a lethal outcome. The subacute form of sarcoma of Kaposha proceeds slightly more slowly, within 2-3 years without treatment. The chronic form of sarcoma of Kaposha is considered high-quality therefore it will respond to treatment.

Reasons of sarcoma of Kaposha

Long time scientists considered that the main reason of emergence of sarcoma of Kaposha – a special type of herpes. But in itself it cannot provoke a disease. To all fault of disturbance in work of immunity of HIV – positive people. In such "favorable" environment the herpes virus actively breeds, thereby causing oncological diseases.

Treatment of sarcoma of Kaposha

РЕАФЕРОН-ЕС применяется при лечении саркомы КапошиOther sites of skin can be involved in process spread of sarcoma of Kaposha: upper extremities, face, generative organs. Therefore, the earlier you address the specialist, rather the diagnosis will be established and treatment is appointed.

One of ways of treatment of sarcoma of Kaposha can be applied: topical treatment or system.

Topical treatment of sarcoma of Kaposha assumes use of beam and surgical methods, cryotherapies, an injection of chemotherapeutic drugs in a tumor. It is worth noticing that the beam method is applicable to all types / types of tumors.

System treatment of sarcoma of Kaposha can be feasible only in the absence of any disturbances in immune system. But also HIV – infected have an opportunity to receive system treatment – in this case the system polychemotherapy is carried out. However, the negative impact on marrow of podoby "therapies" does not allow to tell that this method is safe and is guaranteed is efficient.

Prevention of sarcoma of Kaposha

Kaposha's sarcoma takes the 1st place in the world among malignant new growths of a derma. Enter into risk group:

  • HIV – the infected men;
  • Elderly men are more senior than 50 years;
  • Inhabitants of the Central Africa;
  • Recipients.

The men who got sick with Kaposha's sarcoma in 12 times more, than women.

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