Main > Medical specialties> Sexopathologist


Sexopathologists are engaged in specialty close to sexology, but they study sexual deviations more deeply.

Сексопатолог - врач, специализирующийся, на расстройствах сексуального характера

In what cases address the sexopathologist

Sexopathologists treat disorders of sexual character which are found in men and women, recover the sexual relations between spouses, treat impotence, problems with an ejaculation.

On reception at the sexopathologist the sexual perversions and deviations, pathologies causing frustration in the sexual sphere are treated.

Important problems which are solved on consultations of the sexopathologist are timely diagnosis of psychological and other deviations, purpose of the correct treatment, psychological correction of behavior, recovery of the harmonious relations between the man and the woman which are sexual partners.

Questions to the sexopathologist often arise at newlyweds, young people beginning the sexual relations – with them the doctor leads discussions, lays the foundation of a psychohygiene of sex life.

Sexopathologists generally work with such diseases and deviations:

  • decrease in interest in the sexual relations;
  • vaginismus – the deviation at the woman connected with spasms and spasms of vaults of the vagina. At such pathology normal sexual life is impossible. Most often there is a frustration against the background of mental deviations;
  • bystry ejaculation;
  • problems with a potentiality;
  • lack of an orgasm at the man and the woman.

What diagnostic methods are used by the sexopathologist

After consultation the sexopathologist, having led a discussion with the patient, having made primary diagnosis, for its specification and development of full treatment can recommend to undergo such inspections:

  • research of work of a thyroid gland;
  • blood test on hormonal structure. At men testosterone level is of great importance, women have a level of estrogen, prolactin;
  • blood test on the maintenance of the nitrogenous bases, creatinine;
  • analysis of urine;
  • liver research.

In certain cases sexopathologists appoint additional inspections at the gynecologist, the andrologist, the endocrinologist, the psychiatrist.

What methods of treatment are used by the sexopathologist

After the sexopathologist gets acquainted with an emotional condition of the patient, will study his general state of health, he develops the program of psychological assistance. It is that he leads discussions with one or both partners, establishing the reasons of frustration and creating the correct spirit, adjusting their sexual behavior.

If necessary drug treatment, reflexotherapy, a vibrodrainage, a vibrofalostimulyation, intimate plastics are appointed.

The great value for the patient who has questions to the sexopathologist has recognition of a problem, desire to get rid of it, involvement of the sexual partner to treatment, regular visit of the sexopathologist, implementation of its recommendations.

It is important to sexopathologist to trust therefore such doctor "on himself" gets out. If the psychological contact on reception at the sexopathologist did not arise at once, it is better to find other specialist as communication will concern the intimate sphere, it should not cause discomfort.

As become sexopathologists

Sexopathologists are the specialists with the higher medical education who did practical training. It is good if there is an acquired experience in psychotherapy.

Sexopathologists have to own psychoanalysis, know fundamental fundamentals of gynecology, andrology, urology, endocrinology, psychiatry, neurology. For this reason the ordinary psychologist cannot work as the sexopathologist.

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