Main > Food stuffs> Sorrel


Sorrel – a perennial plant from family of the Buckwheat family. In Latin the sorrel is called as Rumex that is translated as "spear". In the people it is often called meadow apple or wild beet.

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The plant has a direct stalk, sometimes rough and branchy. Leaves are petiolar, the large size, and flowers are collected in panicled inflorescences. In total there are about two hundred types of a sorrel from which only several types are considered medicinal and edible, and the majority are agrestal plants to this day. This vegetable culture in all continents, behind an exception grows unless, Antarctica.


History of cultivation of this plant originates on the several millennia ago. The first references of medicinal properties of a sorrel meet in Pliny the Elder and Virgil's works. Its medicinal properties in the treatise "Canon of Medical Science" were described also by Avicenna. He considered that broth from leaves of a sorrel reduces morbidity of periods, saves from infertility and softens the climax period.

For the first time as vegetable culture the sorrel was ranked by French in the 12th century. To this day this vegetable is considered at them national, as well as carrots. In medieval Europe people believed that the sorrel protects from plague. So, in ancient doctor books to properties of a sorrel attributed the help from heat and plague fever, clarification of urine and blood, treatment of diseases of a liver.

In Russia long time treated this vegetable as to a weed, and sneered at the foreigners eating this "a green grass". A bit later in Ancient Russia "wild beet" was used as charms and considered sacred, and also treated with its help rheumatic diseases and tuberculosis.

Sorrel in cookery

The sorrel was widely adopted in cookery. It is eaten in a fresh, marinated, dried or tinned look, added to soups, salads, borsches, sauces. Often it is used as a stuffing for pies.

In food young leaves of a sorrel which cut off before emergence of floriferous escapes are good. Old leaves are not recommended for the use as in them oxalic acid collects.

And to neutralize the small content of oxalic acid in young leaves of a plant, with a sorrel it is necessary to add milk or dairy products to a dish. Then oxalic acid reacts with calcium and turns into calcium salt, absolutely harmless to an organism.

Structure and caloric content of a sorrel

100 g of a sorrel contain 91,3 g of water, 2,4 g of carbohydrates, 2,3 g of proteins, 0,8 g of cellulose, 0,7 g of organic acids, 0,4 g of fats, 1,7 g of ashes; vitamins: beta carotene (A), thiamin (B1), Riboflavinum (B2), Niacinum (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), phylloquinone (K), ascorbic acid (C), biotin (N), tocopherol (E); macrocells: chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium; microelements: fluorine, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, iron.

Caloric content at a sorrel low also makes no more than 21 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Acid relish to a sorrel is impacted by the potassium salt of oxalic acid which is contained in leaves. Also leaves contain mineral salts, tannins, flavonoids. And roots of a plant contain about 27% of tannins, румицин, chrysophanic acid, хризофанеин, a flavonoid неподин and its glycoside – непозид.

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Useful properties of a sorrel

The sorrel is a medicinal vitamin plant. The main advantage of a sorrel consists in digestion improvement, a bleeding stop, establishing work of a gall bladder and liver, ability to heal wounds. It is considered that it is useful at cardiovascular diseases, an anemia, at an itch and rash on skin and also as antiallergic means.

The advantage of a sorrel, in particular its leaves and fruits, consists in anesthetic and the knitting action. Leaves of a plant render anti-toxic, wound healing, antiscorbutic and antiinflammatory effect.

In traditional medicine widely apply powders and broths from roots of a sorrel horse which use at colitis, ponosa, hemocolites, coloenterites. At cold broth of a sorrel is also very effective.


Praising this plant and praising medical advantage of a sorrel to skies, you should not forget that concerning its use there are also some contraindications. So, in particular, it is impossible to use a sorrel during pregnancy, at gastritis with a hyperoxemia, inflammatory diseases of kidneys, stomach ulcer or a duodenum.

With care it is worth using a sorrel at advanced age as there is a risk of development of gout and osteoporosis.

Generally, it is necessary to remember and apply one very wise rule: everything is good moderately.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.