Main > Food stuffs> Dogrose


The dogrose concerns to family pink and to group a rose family. This plant has several cultural forms which grow up a dogrose as roses or a bush.

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The advantage of a dogrose was established by numerous scientific research and the plant is considered medicinal. The dogrose in medicine, cosmetology, pharmacology and the food industry is applied.

Biological features and distribution

There are more than 400 types of a dogrose, and also more than 100 cultivars of a plant. Bushes of a dogrose have upright or creeping stalks up to 10 m high. Small bushes grow in Russia, and in Germany and France the dogrose dog up to 13 m high grows.

Roses - lianas with a treelike form and curved stalks grow in subtropical climate. Dwarfish species of roses and a dogrose Eychison are popular in Central Asia. They reach in height of 5-10 cm, blossom for the third year and grow up to 6 years.

The dogrose in Europe blossoms in May-June several days, and in a midland of Russia blossoming lasts up to 20 days. The plant begins to bear fruits at three-year age and yields a plentiful harvest within 3-5 years.

The hip is called tsinarrodiy and has calux lobes. When maturing the fruit gains reddish, orange or black color, becomes covered by bristles and becomes dryish. In a form of a fruit stem of tsinarrodiya happens concave, roundish, ovoid, ellipse, ascidiform and pear-shaped.

The dogrose began to be cultivated in many countries of the world. Different types of this plant which were naturalized in nature Europe, Asia and North America were removed.

Useful properties of a dogrose

The big advantage of a dogrose is caused by rich contents in its composition of vitamins and useful substances. The plant contains vitamins of group B, C and E, carotene, Riboflavinum, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, essential oils, citric acid, tannins and malic acid.

Useful properties of a dogrose are actively used in the vitamin industry. From it receive drugs with big the content of vitamin C and ascorbic acid, such as Cholosasum and syrup. The dogrose possesses antiinflammatory, antiviral and antiedematous actions.

The big advantage of a dogrose at treatment of burns, cracks, infectious diseases, bleedings of gums and inflammations of an oral cavity is revealed.

Hips contain organic acids, pectin and flavonoids which strengthen immunity, strengthen protective functions against viral diseases, improve blood circulation and normalize the content of sugar in blood.

Broad use has a dogrose in medicine and cosmetology. In the medical purposes from seeds, flowers and leaves of a plant create infusions which possess tonic and fortifying actions.

Infusions and broths of a dogrose stop bleedings, promote an urination and a zhelchevydeleniye, accelerate regeneration processes.

The advantage of a dogrose at treatment of catarrhal diseases, rheumatism, tuberculosis and disorders of digestive tract is high.

Dogrose caloric content

The dogrose is a fruit of average caloric content which makes 109 kcal. Also the plant contains 1 g of proteins, 22 g of carbohydrates and 0,7 g of fats.

Use of a dogrose

During the winter period of year the regular use of a dogrose allows to provide an organism with necessary amount of vitamin C and useful substances.

The fresh cleared hips have sourish taste and are applied as vitamin means together with sugar.

In traditional medicine medicinal properties of a dogrose are highly appreciated. Infusion is prepared from fruit covers and used as anesthetic. From the dried-up fruits it is possible to prepare broth and to make tea in a thermos. Infusion is recommended to be used to people with a hypertension, infectious diseases and an anemia.

Flowers of a plant are made together with honey and used as lotions for treatment of diseases of eyes. Broth of a dogrose is effective for removal of stones from kidneys and a bladder.

In cosmetology dogrose oil which contains the fatty acids necessary for strengthening and improvement of skin is used. Also make special cream with addition of glycerin and liquid ammonia which is applied to care of skin of hands and legs of fruits. From petals of a dogrose create broths for washing and cosmetic masks which tone up skin take off fatigue and regenerations promote.

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The dogrose should be used in moderate quantity as it is rich with a set of vitamins, useful substances and organic acids.

Broths and tinctures with the maintenance of a dogrose are contraindicated at liver diseases, and also them it is impossible to drink a long time as the probability of developing of noninfectious jaundice is high.

The dogrose is contraindicated at individual intolerance and existence of a serious illness of the alimentary system.

Strong broths and infusions of a dogrose need to be accepted through a plastic tubule and after their use to rinse an oral cavity not to allow yellowing of teeth and damage of enamel.

To the use of a dogrose contraindications are the renal failure, thrombogeneses, a hypertension and a hyperoxemia.

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