Main > Cosmetic procedures> Silicone masks

Silicone masks

Silicone masks represent the highly effective cosmetic procedures with silicone use intended Нанесение силиконовой маски на лицоfor moistening, pulling up and rejuvenation of skin.

Features of silicone masks

Various natural components, vitamins, chitosan, collagen, fruit and berries are a part of silicone masks. Silicone is a special component which forms a pellicle on skin. This film allows to moisten epidermis, to fill wrinkles and to improve a condition of skin.

Silicone masks should be put not more often than 2-4 times a month, at the same time the procedure has to take no more than 20 minutes. As a result skin becomes freshen, humidified and directed to regeneration.

Before holding a cosmetic procedure special silicone powder is dissolved with water to a pasty consistence which is imposed on skin, and after drying removed in the form of a pellicle.

Silicone masks possess regenerating, nutritious, modeling and rejuvenating actions. Such masks are suitable for the dry, inclined to dryness, normal and combined skin. With skin, fat and inclined to fat content, it is better for people to limit use of such masks as they can worsen a condition of epidermis.

Silicone masks for hair

Silicone masks for hair have protective action when carrying out heat treatment by the hair dryer and the rectifier, and also at influence of ultraviolet rays. Such masks strengthen hair, and also feed, humidify and improve them.

Silicone masks received positive reviews as effective cosmetic procedures at which regular use elasticity of hair increases and their volume increases.

Silicone masks for hair release in bottles of 200, 250, 500 and 1000 ml, and they are remedy. At a combination of masks and medical shampoos process of a hair loss decreases, the structure of a hair bulb is normalized and split ends are eliminated.

The silicone mask should be put for 3-5 minutes and to wash away carefully water from hair. The regularity of use makes 2 times a week.

The main Нанесение силиконовой маски на волосыadvantages of silicone masks to hair are:

  • simplicity of drawing and washing off;
  • ability to give to hair a silky and volume look;
  • improvement of structure of hair;
  • protection of hair against negative impact;
  • moistening and nutrition of hair.

Silicone face packs

Silicone face packs apply on the clean skin which is previously processed by the clearing milk or tonic. The mask should not get on area around eyes and on lips.

It is better to distribute evenly a consistence on the person by means of a brush or a sponzh. In time and after drawing a mask it is necessary to refrain for some time from a mimicry and the speech.

The regularity of use of silicone masks has to be defined by the cosmetologist according to type and a condition of skin of the patient. Such cosmetic procedures can be carried out as periodically, and a course on 10 procedures 2-3 times a year.

Silicone face packs with correctly picked up components will allow skin to remain for a long time fresh, healthy and young, and also will recover its elasticity and elasticity.

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