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Синдром отмены алкоголя - симптомы и методы борьбыAfter the end of reception of the medicines appointed for the purpose of stopping of these or those states, suddenly, all symptoms return. The condition of the patient worsens several times, up to a coma. It also shows a withdrawal which is known in medicine since then as use of hormonal therapy began. The first case was described at the patient accepting insulin. The situation with a diabetes mellitus was not indicative as reception of insulin was right there resumed. Absolutely other situation develops with drugs – glucocorticoids. These are the vital hormones which are appointed in situations when all other medicines are inefficient. When the withdrawal of glucocorticoids develops, the clinical picture is much more dangerous, than was prior to hormonal therapy.

Withdrawal of hormonal means

The sudden termination of reception of hormonal drugs involves "a break syndrome" which manifestations depend on the mechanism of effect of medical drugs. After therapy deterioration in a disease for which treatment hormones were appointed happens glucocorticoids. In hard cases the syndrome of adrenal insufficiency which promptly develops is shown and often comes to an end with a cardiac standstill. Therefore now the withdrawal of glucocorticoids does not develop as accurate schemes of step-by-step decrease in dosages of hormonal means are developed. The patient's organism gradually "gets used" to reduction of a dose of exogenous hormone and starts development of own.

"Rebaund-effect" in gynecology is well-known. Today, it is the only example in medicine when the withdrawal leads to a positive take. So, after three-months reception of hormonal contraceptives, drug withdrawal stimulates emission of own hormones. The ovulation is so stimulated. Perhaps, several ova at the same time. Treatment of infertility is based on it.

The similar condition of cancellation occurs after long reception of any drugs, even "ordinary aspirin" which is appointed for the purpose of blood fluidifying. In a case with anticoagulants the withdrawal which symptoms testify to the increased viscosity of blood and tendency to formation of blood clots also develops.

Withdrawal, symptoms of development of abstinence

In psychiatric practice cancellation of this or that drug influencing the central nervous system leads to an aggravation of symptoms of health which is shown by sufferings of all organism which "got used" to constant dope.

The developed withdrawal in psychiatry is regarded as a sign of dependence of the patient on this or that medicine.

Withdrawal of antidepressants

After the sharp termination of reception of antidepressants the depression with all its manifestations is returned. When the dosage of drug is counted on gradual decrease, manifestations of cancellation smooth out. Nevertheless, the sad state proceeds for some time. It is leveled by reception of vegetable means, normotonik. In cases when the withdrawal of antidepressants occurs under control of the doctor, dangerous complications are, as a rule, excluded. If the person accepts drugs uncontrolledly, and then stocks come to an end, cancellation can provoke rigid physiological reactions of an organism which are not limited to sleeplessness and the suppressed mood, and are shown by spasms, a tremor, strong heartbeat. The withdrawal disappears as on wave of a magic wand after a single dose of the same drug. Certainly, it aggravates dependence on medicine.

A bit different situation with alcohol which is never appointed with the medical purpose. However the developed abstinence syndrome can also lead to undesirable effects, up to a lethal outcome.

Alcohol withdrawal

Alcoholic abstinence is characterized by disorder of health which is shown by the following disturbances:

  • Mental;
  • Neurologic;
  • Somatic.

The mental disorder, tremens, develops as an alcohol withdrawal for the third or fourth days after the termination of its reception. By this time almost there pass all symptoms of a hangover, but, they suddenly are returned. Most often, at night. Frightening hallucinations can provoke the aggression directed both on people around, and to the patient. Alcohol intake during this period does not give relief.

Neurologic manifestations are characterized by a tremor, spasms, pseudoparalyses. The developed withdrawal of alcohol leads to disturbances of sensitivity of integuments, the increased perspiration not connected with the increased body temperature or the environment.

Somatic frustration lead to the following sufferings:

  • Alimentary system;
  • Urinogenital;
  • Cardiovascular.

Синдром отмены антидепрессантов - на что обратить вниманиеFrom the alimentary system nausea, a diarrhea and vomiting is noted.

Sufferings of urinogenital system consist in decrease in a potentiality and disturbance of an urination.

Promptly developed alcohol withdrawal after long hard drinking poses special hazard to life, in connection with dystrophic changes in a myocardium. There is the following situation – without the next alcohol intake heart stops.

Nicotine withdrawal

After the person leaves off smoking, he tests something similar for an abstinence syndrome at alcoholism. However it is much easier than manifestation of nicotinic abstinence though, upon termination of abstinence there is a psychological dependence. As the nicotine withdrawal in medicine also does not meet, this state is acquired voluntarily. Nevertheless, it needs medical correction.

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