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System scleroderma

Признаки системной склеродермии

Scleroderma – the disease affecting connecting body tissue at which there is a consolidation (sklerozirovany) skin and vessels. As a rule, pathological process affects all organism in general, and then speak about a system scleroderma. Exceptional cases when changes concern the small site of fabrics, are called a focal scleroderma.

Disease people of all age groups, including children have. Women suffer from a system scleroderma three times more often than men. This rather rare disease which is found at 3 on each 100 000 people.

Origins of a system scleroderma

The origin and the reasons of a system scleroderma are unknown. Now many doctors are inclined to consider a disease display of the viral pathology starting autoimmune reaction as in tissues of the people sick with a system scleroderma, a large number of virus-like particles, and the quantity of antibodies in blood increased to them is found. Genetic predisposition matters, people from one family are ill more often. From the promoting factors note the following:

  • Frustration of nervous and endocrine systems;
  • Injury;
  • The postponed stress;
  • Vaccination;
  • Overcooling;
  • Infection;
  • Reception of some medicines (cytostatics);
  • Long contact with some chemicals (quartz dust, vinyl chloride, coal dust, some organic solvents).

Symptoms of a system scleroderma

The system scleroderma belongs to polysyndromic diseases as as a result of defeat of blood vessels one and all bodies and body tissues are mentioned. Skin manifestations are most characteristic: in the beginning the dense cutaneous dropsy which is more and more condensed is formed sclerosed), then on this place skin atrophies. Such phenomena occur on all body, but are most of all noticeable on a face and extremities. On affected areas hair drop out, skin becomes colourless, on extremities nail plates are deformed, on finger-tips there are painful abscesses passing into ulcers, and then hems. The person takes a motionless, masklike form, opening of a mouth is complicated. Skin is dry, dense, "mummified".

Defeats of a musculoskeletal system are expressed in miozita (inflammations of the muscles) caused by substitution of normal muscular and tendinous tissue fibrous that leads to emergence of contractures. Joints are also limited in the movements, there is a syndrome of morning constraint, tissue of a joint is deformed, there are pains, there is an adjournment of salts of calcium. One of characteristic signs of a system scleroderma is ossifluence of trailer phalanxes of fingers as a result of which fingers become shorter.

Симптомы системной склеродермии

Reynaud's syndrome is characteristic of symptoms of a system scleroderma: a spastic attack as a result of which fingers of hands or legs grow cold grow dumb, in them the feeling of a pricking appears, at the same time they gain white or even cyanotic color. There is it under the influence of a stress or temperature influence, and can last of several minutes till several o'clock. Upon termination of an attack cyanotic skin reddens, the feeling of heat and pain appears.

Damage of internals at a system scleroderma is shown in the form of total defeat of all systems because of blood circulation disturbances. Heart diseases (a cardiosclerosis, myocarditis, an endocarditis) develop, kidneys (a chronic nephropathy), digestive tract (the gullet stenosis is characteristic), etc. are surprised. Also nervous system and a mental condition of the person suffers.

Character of a current and forecast of a system scleroderma

The system scleroderma can proceed in the form of an acute, subacute and chronic disease.

  • The acute current the most malignant, is characterized by bystry development of diseases of internals and continuous increase of symptomatology. In this case a system scleroderma the forecast adverse as in a year after the beginning of development of a disease there comes critical disturbance of functions of internals.
  • Subacute current. Quickly developing damage of skin, muscles and joints, with slow fibrosis of internals. Symptoms accrue steadily, but slowly. In this case a system scleroderma the forecast moderately favorable also depends on extent of generalization and activity of process.
  • Chronic current. In case of a chronic current of a system scleroderma the forecast optimum as symptoms accrue very slowly, within years and decades, and bodies long do not lose the functions.

In addition to a current, for the forecast of a system scleroderma the clinical form of a disease and the general condition of the patient matters.

Diagnosis of a system scleroderma

Diagnosis of a system scleroderma is carried out on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture and existence of diagnostic criteria – manifestations inherent to this disease. Diagnosis of a system scleroderma requires existence big and several small diagnostic characters. According to the system developed by the American Rheumatological Association, diagnostic criteria of a system scleroderma is the following:

  • Big (main): sklerodermichesky damage of skin of a trunk with characteristic, described above (symptoms of a system scleroderma) signs.
  • Small (additional): characteristic damage of fingers (sclerodactylia), a symmetric basal pneumosclerosis (fibrous damage of lungs), hems on small pillows of fingers, Reynaud's syndrome.

Also for diagnosis of a system scleroderma conduct a laboratory blood analysis, urine, an immunodiagnosis, X-ray inspection of bones and joints, ultrasonography of internals, cardiodiagnosis, that is a full range of inspection of those bodies from which there are brightest manifestations.

Treatment of a system scleroderma

Диагностика системной склеродермии

Treatment of a system scleroderma generally symptomatic, directed to simplification conditions of the patient and decrease of the activity of a disease. At an acute and subacute current high doses of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are applied to treatment of a system scleroderma. In all other cases use fortifying means, vitamin therapy, immunocorrection. For easing of fibrosis use the drugs softening connecting fabric (lidaza). Also use the drugs improving work of a microcirculator bed.

The physical therapy and physiotherapy exercises is of great importance. Physiotherapeutic procedures are applied as fortifying and stimulating a metabolism in the damaged fabrics that interferes with their atrophy. With the same purpose also specially developed exercises of physiotherapy exercises are applied. Treatment of a system scleroderma has to be continuous, the fortifying and developing a musculoskeletal system actions have to become a way of life of the patient that provides delay or even abortion of a disease.

Whether you know that:

Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.