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Soda for weight loss

When there is no time for visit of the pool or the gym, and the diet does not bring desired result, searches of wonder-working nonconventional ways to dump several kilograms of excess weight that's when begin. One of such ways is holding various soda procedures, simple and enough cheap. And whether there is in them a sense?Действительно ли эффективна сода для похудения?

Soda for weight loss: intake

On open spaces of the Internet there are many councils for persons interested to lose weight, among whom and intake of soda solution. Followers of such use of soda for weight loss claim that alkaline solution splits fats and interferes with their absorption. But splitting of fats really happens in intestines in which already the alkaline environment. Soda reception inside leads to reduction of acidity of a gastric juice and it is natural, to disturbance of processes of digestion. In addition, the soda accepted inside enters a chemical change with hydrochloric acid of a gastric juice as a result of which unstable connection – carbonic acid is formed. In turn it breaks up to carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide makes the irritating impact on a mucous membrane of a stomach that leads further to development of gastritis and/or a peptic ulcer of a stomach.

According to reviews, the soda for weight loss accepted inside does not result in positive effects. And here problems with health this "method" of weight loss can create much.

Soda for weight loss: bathtubs

The recipe of soda bathtubs for weight loss can be found on many the Internet the websites. It is most often recommended to add to water for a bathtub on 300,0 g of baking soda and sea salt. Water temperature in a bathroom has to be 38 degrees of S. Dlitelnost of the procedure not less than 20 minutes. After its termination it is necessary to pound skin a terry towel and to lay down under a woolen blanket.

At this method of controlling with an excess weight there are a lot of supporters. On their responses soda for weight loss allows to get rid with ease of cellulitis, extra kilos and to give to skin softness and velvet. These statements are how fair? Let's try to understand.

Soda bathtubs: how soda influences weight loss?

Water-salt bathtubs really exert beneficial influence on skin. And at the same time as a result of such hydrotherapeutic procedure it is quite possible to lose up to two kilograms of body weight. However this weight reduction is caused not by destruction of fatty tissue, but the increased sweating arising in response to the general overheating of a body. Therefore the effect of soda bathtubs can quite be compared to effect of a sauna or pair bath. You lose moisture and "grow thin", but after you drink couple of cups of tea, your weight will right there be recovered.

Thus, answering a question of how soda influences weight loss, it is possible to answer simply: "In any way!". But the advantage of soda salinas nevertheless is. Treat their useful properties:

  • Acquisition by skin of elasticity and smoothness;
  • Reduction of puffiness of legs;
  • Removal from an organism together with then various toxic substances;
  • Improvement of a lymph flow;
  • Removal of fatigue, stress.

Soda for weight loss: contraindications

Acceptance of soda bathtubs, despite their positive properties, has much and contraindications. This method of a hydrotherapy is deadly to the people having an arterial hypertension and a diabetes mellitus. It is connected with the fact that at warming up of an organism there is an expansion of blood vessels, reductions of heart accelerate. All this can lead to a strong attack of dizziness or to development of hypertensive crisis.Сода для похудения - абсолютно неэффективный метод

Contraindication to soda for weight loss in the form of bathtubs is also existence of any new growths including high-quality. Thermal procedures promote acceleration of growth of tumors and can lead to regeneration of a benign tumor in malignant.

Soda bathtubs for weight loss are categorically contraindicated to pregnant women since they can provoke an abortion or premature waters. It is necessary to refuse them and in the period of a lactation. Obstetricians gynecology warn that soda bathtubs alkalize acid medium of a vagina and promote growth in it pathogenic microflora.

Summing up the result of told, it is possible to claim that use of soda for weight loss is absolutely inefficient method. And if also to consider all contraindications to soda for weight loss, then becomes clear that it is the best of all to find for itself other motivation for weight reduction of a body. It is the best of all to go to a slim figure through observance of a usual low-calorie diet and regular trainings by sport. Eat more citrus and you make thrifty use of the health: before deciding on use of soda for weight loss, think of possible effects and solve whether there is your beauty of such here victims!

Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.