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Baking soda

Baking soda is other name of hydrosodium carbonate. A formula of baking soda - NaHCO3. Substance represents white fine-crystalline powder of saltish taste with wide scope of application. As a result of reaction with acid the formula of baking soda breaks up to sodium carbonate (salt), water and carbon dioxide.

Сода пищевая

Use of baking soda

Use of baking soda is reasonable in:

  • The food industry - production of confectionery, bread baking, preparation of drinks;
  • Chemical industry - for production of polyfoams, dyes, goods of household chemicals, fluoric reactants;
  • Light industry - production of imitation leather, bottom rubber, textiles.
  • To medicine - as means for decrease in acidity of a gastric juice, and also neutralization of burns of skin acids.

Besides, hydrosodium carbonate is a part of the powder applied in the field of fire extinguishing - its action is based on an oxygen pushing off from the place of ignition by means of carbon dioxide.

Soda in the food industry

Main scope of baking soda, of course, cookery. Powder, familiar since the childhood, is used as an additional or main baking powder at pastries. The insignificant amount of soda (on a spoon tip) added to dough will make pastries softer, magnificent and easily acquired. In order that the product did not gain soap smack, characteristic of soda, it is necessary to observe the correct proportions. At addition of baking soda in water or fresh milk (not acid medium) the product can be extinguished vinegar - so at the test unpleasant smack of sodium carbonate disappears. When mixing soda with sour cream, kefir or curdled milk it is optional to extinguish baking soda.

Baking soda in medicine

Use of baking soda cookery is not limited: use of hydrosodium carbonate in traditional and nonconventional medicine is eurysynusic. Treatment by baking soda is effective thanks to ability of substance to destroy microbes, and also to neutralize effect of acids.

To get rid of painful heartburn or an eructation it is enough to stir a teaspoon of soda in 1 glass of water and to drink off.

Baking soda is used at cold and a pharyngalgia by rinsing by soda solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon of hydrosodium carbonate on a glass of warm water.

Soda at treatment of burns is irreplaceable. If there was a burn, it is necessary to mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with vegetable oil, to apply on a cotton plug and to put to a sore point. After a while pain will leave, and the wound will quickly drag on.

Treatment by baking soda of furuncles, callosities and natoptyshy is performed by means of lotions by strong soda solution or hot soda trays for legs.

For disaccustoming from smoking rinsing of an oral cavity dense solution of soda practices in small doses - not to break digestion process.

By means of soda it is carried out also:

  • Treatment of alcoholism and tobacco smoking;
  • Dissolution of deposits in a backbone, joints, stones in kidneys and a liver, treatment of radiculitis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, gout, urolithic and cholelithiasis;
  • Clarification of an organism from salts of cadmium, lead, thallium, mercury, bismuth, barium and other heavy metals.

Baking soda in cosmetology

Hard water, varnishes and sprays often do our hair weak and splitting. One tablespoon of soda added to care product (shampoo or the conditioner) will strengthen hair, will make them soft and brilliant.

Baking soda and as the softening srub for skin is used. Mix 2 tablespoons of soda with the moistening means for a body. Rinse skin with water and by means of a bast distribute mix on all body, paying attention to "problem" sites: to elbows, knees, bikini zone. This procedure will soften, will clear skin, and also will remove the inflammations received from safety razors.

Baking soda - fine means for recovery of PH balance of skin and disposal of spots. Dip a cotton plug into solution of soda and means for clarification of the person and begin to mass softly skin roundabouts, avoiding area around eyes. This procedure will allow to remove the keratosic particles of skin and to clean face pores. Regular holding a procedure will help to get rid of spots completely.

Baking soda for weight loss

The property of baking soda interfering absorption of fats in an organism allows to apply hydrosodium carbonate as means to weight loss. However, it is necessary to carry out reception of soda solution only after consultation of the doctor, with strict observance of a dosage - differently the harm of baking soda done to an organism will be inevitable.

Safer way to lose extra kilos by means of baking soda - use of means as a part of bathtubs. The essence of effect of baking soda for weight loss consists in activation of lymphatic system. Several drops of essential oils added to a soda bathtub accelerate removal of slags and toxins from an organism, and, therefore, and process of loss of excess weight. In addition to recreational effect, a bathtub with baking soda perfectly weaken, promoting decrease in fatigue and nervous tension.

Применение пищевой соды в кулинарии

Harm of baking soda

Despite above-mentioned advantages of hydrosodium carbonate, baking soda, in addition to advantage, can do to our organism harm. The uncontrollable use of baking soda inside causes the strengthened release of carbon dioxide that is followed still by big release of acid and gastric flatulence - so-called, "an acid ricochet".

The long contact with powder of baking soda can cause irritation of skin and a burn. Avoid hit of baking soda in eyes.

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The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.