Main > Diseases> Stenocardia


Short characteristic of a disease

Симптомы стенокардии

The disease stenocardia (often it is called "angina pectoris") is shown by sharp, severe pains in retrosternal area and feeling of discomfort in a breast which is explained by disturbance of normal blood supply of certain sites of heart. Now stenocardia is the leading symptom of the coronary heart disease (CHD) connected with narrowing or a blockage of vessels. Subjective feelings of patients with stenocardia are very various, but it is possible to allocate also several general signs, in particular: the pressing stethalgias which are given on other body parts. As a rule, the attack of stenocardia lasts no more than 5 minutes and passes right after the person accepts the corresponding medical supplies or will just have a rest.

Now it is accepted to allocate two forms of a disease. Stable stenocardia is characterized by regular attacks for many years. In most cases it arises owing to the same exercise stresses, and stops right after their elimination. In turn, unstable stenocardia does not differ in a regularity of attacks, but this form is more dangerous as symptoms of a disease are shown stronger and often lead to a lethal outcome. Let's notice also, as for stable, and the following features which allow to make the exact diagnosis are characteristic of unstable stenocardia:

  • pains are shown in the form of attacks, that is have more or less expressed time of emergence and termination;
  • unpleasant feelings almost always arise under the same circumstances. For example, stable stenocardia follows after certain exercise stresses;
  • pain decreases or completely abates after nitroglycerine reception.

Provocative factors of attacks are: exercise stresses, walking, emotional overstrain. At the same time, the physical effort or a stress is stronger, the stenocardia is more brightly shown (symptoms, respectively, abate as intensity of loadings decreases). In principle, the above-stated three features and a case history (stenocardia demands constant observation from the specialist) give all basic data for statement of the exact clinical diagnosis that is necessary at the choice of the correct technique of treatment.

Stenocardia – symptoms and a clinical picture

We listed the main symptoms of stenocardia in the last section of our article. In most cases there will be quite enough these manifestations. It is only possible to add that the ischemic heart disease (stenocardia is the constant satellite of an ischemic disease) also proves:

  • increase in arterial pressure;
  • pallor of integuments;
  • perspiration;
  • fluctuations of a cordial rhythm;
  • causeless sensation of fear and emotional frustration

However, lack of these symptoms does not mean at all absence of stenocardia therefore the leading role at diagnosis of a disease still belongs to the doctor who has to pass the weighed, reasonable decision on the basis of inspection of the patient and a clinical picture of a disease.

One more important point: in recent years so-called stenocardia of rest is even more often diagnosed for people with heart diseases. If the angina of exertion is characterized by pains after exercise stresses, then the quiet form arises irrespective of intensity of efforts of the person and is, as a rule, shown days at night. Symptoms at the same time match symptoms of angina pectoris, that is the person feels suffocation and shortage of air.

Finally several words about disease attacks. Stenocardia which treatment is carried out incorrectly promotes development of a myocardial infarction. Therefore, if the attack of stenocardia drags on more than for 15 minutes, the patient needs to conduct urgent electrocardiographic examination. It is the best of all to make it in the next few hours after an attack as unstable stenocardia quickly progresses and can lead to a lethal outcome. To provide to the patient the correct leaving and timely diagnostic procedures, its hospitalization in profile clinic is desirable.

Stenocardia – treatment by traditional methods

The attack outcome in many respects depends on correctness of actions of the sick person. Both stable, and unstable stenocardia are shown by severe pains in retrosternal area therefore first of all the patient has to calm down and occupy a convenient pose. Ideal option – a sitting position. Further it is necessary to accept surely nitroglycerine under language (1 tablet or couple of drops of 1% of solution). At people with the made diagnosis stenocardia, symptoms have unequal intensity therefore it is quite possible that at severe pains it is necessary to accept drug repeatedly. Along with nitroglycerine, Corvalol is also shown to patients (30-40 drops inside). At attacks at patients arterial pressure often increases, but it is not necessary to pay to this moment too much attention as after the termination of pains pressure returns to normal. It should be noted that at the moment time a disease stenocardia does not recover completely in one clinic of the world. Respectively, the patient has to be observed regularly at the specialist and take all necessary preventive measures to avoid serious effects of a disease, in particular a myocardial infarction.

Stenocardia – treatment by folk remedies

Лечение народными средствами стенокардии

If the diagnosis stenocardia is made to you, it is better to begin national treatment after several courses of medical starvation (7 days – restriction in meal, then seven-day recovery). At impossibility of full refusal of food adhere at least to partial starvation, that is limit a standard diet, eating nuts, root crops, fruit and vegetables. As for directly national recipes, below we want to give the most known of them:

  • mix in equal proportions a grass of the adonis and watch trifoliate, fill in mix with boiled water at the rate of 1 l of water on 100 гр herbs and insist within 3 weeks in the dry, dark place. Infusion is used 3 times a day in 30 minutes prior to food. A standard dosage – 20 drops;
  • take dried apricots, raisin, kernels of walnut and prunes, add to them lemon gruel without peel and honey (on 1 kg of mix - 1 lemon and 300 гр. honey). Accept the received mix in the preventive purposes 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon;
  • for strengthening of cardiovascular system regularly have tea from a violet three-colored;
  • fill up fresh flowers of a lily of the valley May with sugar and roll small sweet balls. During a stenocardia attack just put a pea under language and slowly to a rassasyvayta;
  • if the diagnosis stenocardia, treatment is made to you by folk remedies it is possible to carry out with use of a hawthorn. From it both broths, and tinctures prepare. In the first case dry flowers of a hawthorn are filled in with a glass of boiled water and boiled within 5-7 minutes. Broth 3-4 times a day on 1 tablespoon is accepted. For preparation of infusion use 10 g of flowers and 100 ml. vodka. Mix infuses within 2 weeks, 3 times a day till 25-30 of drops are used.
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The person accepting antidepressants in most cases will have a depression again. If the person coped with depression by own efforts, he has every chance forever to forget about this state.