Main > Drugs> Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate

Сульфат меди

Copper sulfate – antiseptic and the astringent applied to treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.

Pharmacological action

Copper sulfate – blue crystals or crystal powder which is well dissolved in water and forms blue pentahydrate – the Copper vitriol (Cuprum sulfuricum or Copper sulfate).

Sulfate of copper renders the cauterizing, antiseptic, knitting, emetic, necrotizing and erythropoietic local action. In small doses work as the catalyst which accelerates formation of hemoglobin therefore it is applied to treatment of anemias along with iron administration of drugs.

Also Sulphate of copper is one of components of electrolytic bathtubs for a medneniye.

Release form

Sulfate of copper is produced in a look:

  • Homeopathic granules on 5 g, 10 g, 20 g;
  • Crystal powder on 100 g.

As Sulphate of copper belongs to the microelements participating in metabolism processes it apply in various medicinal complexes. It is possible to buy copper Sulphate as a part of the polyvitaminic drugs "Oligovit", "Kvadevit", "Komplivit", "Glutamevit" and some other.

Sulfate of copper is applied in agriculture as means from weeds and rotting therefore it is possible to buy copper Sulphate in chemical or household shops, on 100 g, 500 g or 1 kg. Also drug is used in veterinary science for treatment of fungus diseases and diseases which are caused by the one-celled parasites living on a body of fishes. It is possible to buy copper Sulphate in pet-shops, in plastic bottles on 50 ml.

Indications to solution use

Solution of Sulphate of copper is applied at:

  • Stomatitis;
  • Vaginitis;
  • Vitiligo, as a part of a combination therapy;
  • Anemias;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Poisonings with organophosphorous connections;
  • To eczema;
  • Burns;
  • Urethritis;
  • To quinsy;
  • Pyodermas;
  • Purulent wounds and wound fevers.


Solution of Sulphate of copper is contraindicated at individual intolerance.

Application instruction

Раствор сульфата меди

Copper Sulphate in the form of solution is applied to treatment of many diseases:

  • 0,25% solution – at conjunctivitis, in the form of eye drops, on 2-3 drops in each eye;
  • 0,25–1,0% solution – at an urethritis and a vaginitis;
  • 5% solution – at burns phosphorus. The tampons moistened in copper Sulphate solution put on affected areas of skin. Treatment is continued before disappearance of a luminescence;
  • 0,1% solution – at poisoning with phosphorus, apply to a gastric lavage;
  • 0,5– 1% solution – at treatment of vitiligo, 3 times a day till 5-15 drops during food, in combination with corticosteroids and photoprotective drugs;
  • 1% solution – as vomitive. Apply 15 ml (as much as possible – 50 mg) copper Sulphate solution inside each 10 minutes, before vomiting.

To treatment of anemias Sulphate of copper is applied or in the form of homeopathic granules, or as a part of complex polyvitaminic drugs.

Side effects

Solution Sulphate of copper can cause various allergic reactions, including an itch and rash.

Storage conditions

Sulfate of copper is carried to list B drugs, is subject to storage in well corked container.

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The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.