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Cheese is the dairy product received by means of special lactobacilli or abomasal enzymes which are necessary in the course of preparation for milk coagulation.База для классификации сыров - вещество, вызывающее свёртывание молока

Classification of cheeses

The amount of cheeses is huge. Experts claim that in the world there are no two identical cheeses as there are no two identical people. But despite this variety, there is a classification of cheese which allows to refer the chosen product to this or that category and group.

Base for classification is the substance causing milk coagulation. If ferments are the cornerstone lactobacilli, then the cheese received as a result of their influence concerns to group of sour-milk cheeses. If preparations of cheese are the cornerstone the abomasal enzymes received from a stomach of ruminants, then the received cheese gets into group of abomasal cheeses. In some countries of the world cheese it is possible to call only the product received by coagulation by means of abomasal enzymes. All the rest has no right to bear a proud name of cheese.

Abomasal cheese, in turn, is also divided into several subgroups. The first subgroup – firm cheeses which are characterized by the high density and rather long term of maturing – up to 8 months. The second subgroup – soft cheeses, low density and of maturing up to 6 weeks. And the third subgroup – the brine cheeses relating to the most ancient and having not the biggest distribution. Feature of this subgroup is the technology of ripening which happens in a special brine for several days.

To understand complexity of classification of cheese, it is worth remembering that, as subgroups are also divided into separate types, and types are subdivided into grades. At the same time you should not forget also about distinctions in raw materials from which make cheese. Milk of various animals, preliminary pasteurization or absence that – all this brings additional accents in world classification of cheese.

Cheese with a mold

Independently there is a cheese with a mold which has specific taste and aroma. The legend says that in far times the young shepherd fell in love with the beautiful stranger. It left a pasture and followed for it, having forgotten the lunch in a limy cave. When he returned, found out that its cheese grew mouldy. Having tried the spoiled cheese would seem, he was surprised to its unusual taste and aroma. Quite so on a legend the recipe of cheese with a mold was born.

Cheese with a mold, as a rule, belongs to subgroup of soft cheeses. In the course of preparation of a syrodela sow a noble mold of the sort Penicillium in stvorozhenny weight, and special needles make air channels which help a mold to develop during maturing of cheese.

Advantage of cheese

Сыр с плесенью - один из самых дорогих сортовMany know about advantage of cheese, it is put in initial ingredients from which this product prepares. Cheese is vitamin-rich, microelements, animal protein and fats. Cheese increases hemoglobin level in blood, increases the level of arterial pressure, improves sight and various exchange processes. Cheese – a rich source of the calcium necessary for creation of bones and teeth.

The advantage of cheese especially brightly reveals at its moderate use. At the reasonable use cheese can become caries prophylactic, improve mood and normalize a dream.

Cheese caloric content

Also you should not forget about the cheese caloric content which is quite high. It can reach 450 kcal on 100 grams of a product and directly depends on its fat content. The grade is fatter, the cheese caloric content is higher. So, taking it into account, this product should be used with care to people with excess body weight.

What cheese is dangerous by

It is necessary to remember that in some situations also harm from cheese can be shown. Some grades of cheese may contain the bacteria capable to cause listeriosis which is extremely dangerous to pregnant women and a fruit. The maximum risk of infection with listeriosis is the share of the cheeses made from not pasteurized milk. Considering their high cost and rather narrow distribution, about harm of cheese in this aspect, of course, it is possible to speak only conditionally.

Cheese can be also harmful to the people having a hypertension, ulcers of digestive tract and gastritises with a hyperoxemia.

Some supporters of refusal of milk and dairy products to whom also cheese concerns, claim that it contains quite large amount of opiatopodobny substances which are capable to cause dependence on cheese and to provoke the person to his uncontrollable, progressing consumption. This opinion has an evidence-based confirmation based on laboratory researches of milk.

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