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Dancing aerobics

The dancing aerobics is one of the directions of fitness, representing a set of exercises, carried out under music. It is called differently "low-shock aerobics" as these exercise stresses do not assume performance of exercises lying on a rug or by means of special shells and devices.

Танцевальная аэробика для похудения и оздоровления

The dancing aerobics attracts many people with the availability, a creative orientation and emotionality.

Difference of dancing aerobics from actually dances is that during the training of the movement are almost continuous - whereas at lessons of dances it is necessary to do pauses to study the new movements. The dancing aerobics "kills two hares": also burns calories, promoting the general improvement of an organism, and trains the athlete in art of dances - let not on professional, but at quite worthy level.

Lessons of dancing aerobics allow to support a body of the person in fine physical shape, stimulate flexibility of muscles, promote combustion of fat. Besides, the aerobics of a dancing orientation, unlike gimnastiko-athletic is the fine antidepressant allowing to develop not only flexibility, plasticity and grace, but also "a creative vein" in the person, having changed the maintenance of a course depending on the preferences, physical capacities and interests.

Dancing aerobics for weight loss and improvement

Regular lessons of dancing aerobics allow not only to build the correct proportions of a body, but also to make an organism healthier and hardy.

The term "aerobic" literally means "the using oxygen" or "living on air". Researches of world institutes of health (including, specialists of Reebok university) confirmed positive influence of dancing aerobics on work of respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Aerobic exercises force heart, vessels and lungs "to work" in a certain mode, to adapt to the increasing loadings. Powerful immunity is as a result created, the organism is filled with working capacity and energy, the person forgets that it "chronic fatigue".

Some of positive effects of regular trainings are given by dancing aerobics below:

  • Increase in volume of blood in the quantity allowing to raise possibilities of transportation of oxygen to body tissues;
  • Strengthening of a cardiac muscle, the improved providing it with blood;
  • Strengthening of bone system, musculoskeletal system;
  • Increase in working capacity;
  • Increase in lung volume;
  • Decrease in level of cholesterol in blood;
  • Increase in resistance to stress.

Perfectly the dancing aerobics is suitable for weight loss: exercises promote more bystry burning of calories, strengthen muscles and adjust a figure. In order that occupations aerobics resulted in long-awaited result, namely, to a slender and flexible body without excess weight, it is necessary to follow several rules:

  • Occupations have to be regular (not less than 2-3 weekly);
  • It is necessary to start exercises not earlier than in 1,5 hours after food;
  • After lessons of dancing aerobics it is not necessary to have dinner or lay down on a sofa at once: for several hours after exercises there is an intensive combustion of fat;
  • Despite existence of exercise stresses, it is recommended to observe the principles of a balanced diet, avoiding excesses.

Dancing aerobics of the house

To feel effect of exercises, it is optional to use services of the specialist or to visit the sports center - it is possible to go in for dancing aerobics of the house. Let's acquire several principles without which any lesson of dancing aerobics does not do:

  • Warm-up. In order that the organism adequately apprehended loading, it needs to be prepared, carrying out exercises for hands, a shoulder girdle, a trunk, legs and a neck. Certainly, under any rhythmical music;
  • Aerobic phase. The main is for achievement of recreational effect of exercises. It is characterized by moderate loadings which increase a respiration rate and cordial reductions, but at the same time do not break balance between a breath and an exhalation. Optimum pulse in an aerobic phase - 140-160 beats per minute. It is possible to carry out check of intensity of aerobic exercises by "test a conversation": if during the occupation you can keep up the conversation, so loading is admissible;
  • Power phase. Power exercises have to make no more than 10 minutes from occupation dancing aerobics. They include squats, squeezing, jumps and some other types of loadings. During a power phase there is a strengthening of bones and joints, and also bystry burning of excess calories;
  • Preparation for completion of occupations. It is not recommended to stop exercises suddenly: it dangerously sharp falling of arterial pressure. After completion of occupations it is impossible to stop or sit down: some time it is necessary to walk round the hall, to warm up muscles, to measure pulse and to wait until the cordial rhythm returns to normal.
Уроки танцевальной аэробики для новичков

Types of dancing aerobics

The dancing aerobics as it was already told above, is carried out at bystry speed under this or that music. Depending on style of the musical direction distinguish the following types of dancing aerobics:

  • Latino-aerobika. One of the most popular directions in dancing aerobics which main difference are the elastic step and continuous work of hips;
  • Funk aerobics. Assumes commission of wavy movements by the case of a body and free plastics of hands. It is recommended to carry out to people with choreographic preparation;
  • Hip-hop aerobics. One of the heaviest types of dancing aerobics. For one occupation about 450 kcal are burned;
  • Rock'n'roll aerobics. The main this direction of aerobics are the "rock'n'roll" step, jumps, turns, run, movements;
  • Беллиданс (belly dance). Will allow to forget about problems in a waist, a stomach and hips, will make the girl more flexible and plastic;
  • Streep-dens. In addition to fight against extra kilos, this direction in dancing aerobics allows women to be liberated, feel surer and sexual.


Occupations are not recommended by dancing aerobics to the people having asthma, having problems with cardiovascular system and a backbone, and also the patient who had a myocardial infarction or a craniocereberal injury.

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