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Termopsol – the vegetable drug possessing expectorant action.

Pharmacological action

Active component of Termopsol – the grass of a thermopsis lanceolate (lanceolate), contains alkaloids of thermodogs, caulophyllin, Pachycarpinum, saponins, pitches, traces of essential oil, tannins, vitamin C.Термопсол в упаковке

Drugs from a grass of a thermopsis are used in official medicine as expectorating, and in high doses – vomitives. Broth of a grass of a thermopsis is used as a helminthicide.

One of alkaloids – cytisine, is characterized as the substance exciting a respiratory center, and also the means increasing blood pressure at operations, depressed cases and poisonings.

According to the instruction Termopsol contains a thermopsis grass (in the form of powder) that causes its action not only as an expectorant and also as the medicine having exciting effect on the respiratory and emetic centers.

Termopsol according to the instruction contains also Natrii hydrocarbonas promoting decrease in viscosity of a phlegm due to stimulation of secretion of bronchial glands.

Form of release of Termopsol

Termopsol release in a dosage form of the tablets containing a grass of a thermopsis lanceolate (in the form of powder) – 6,7 mg and Natrii hydrocarbonas (in number of 250 mg).

On 10 pieces in packaging.

Termopsol's analogs on the mechanism of action are drugs of the Mallow, Anis, the Labrador tea, the Inula, the Marjoram, the Plantain, the Glycyrrhiza, the Thyme, the Eucalyptus, and also Pertussin, Bronkhikum, Mukaltin, Gedeliks, Prospan, Travisil and Tussamag.

Indications to Termopsol's use

Termopsol apply Таблетки Термопсолin combination with other drugs at treatment of the cough with the hardly separated phlegm accompanying such diseases as bronchitis, tracheitis and some other.


According to the instruction Termopsol do not appoint in cases:

  • Peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum;
  • Hypersensitivity to drug components.

Termopsol route of administration

Termopsol apply on one tablet inside three times a day. Termopsol's reception is according to reviews effective throughout three-five days.

The increased dose for adults can make 0,1 g of a grass of a thermopsis at one time (to 0,3 g of a grass of a thermopsis a day). For the best department of a phlegm recommend to accept plentiful warm drink.

Side effects of Termopsol

According to reviews Termopsol can make sick.

Storage conditions

Drug is stored in the place protected from light. A period of storage – 36 months (at a temperature not above 25 °C).

Whether you know that:

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.