Main > Medical terms> Amblyopia


Amblyopia (amblyopia; Greek amblyopia; Greek amblys – weak, stupid + opos, ops – an eye) – decrease in sight which is caused by functional frustration of the visual analyzer.


  • Amblyopia anizometropichesky (amblyopia anisometropica) – the decrease in sight observed at a heterometropia; it is characterized by badly korrigiruyemy decrease in visual acuity of an eye with more expressed ametropia;
  • Amblyopia owing to an anopsia (amblyopia ex anopsia) used up. – the amblyopia arising because of functional inaction of an organ of sight, for example, against the background of monolateral squint;
  • Amblyopia disbinokulyarny (amblyopia disbinocularis; Greek dys-– difficulty, an aberration + lat. bini – couple, on two + oculus – an eye) – the unilateral amblyopia arising at a monolateral concomitant strabismus. The disease is caused by continuous braking of function of the central sight of the mowing eye;
  • Amblyopia hysterical (amblyopia hysterica: synonyms: the blindness is psychogenic, an amaurosis hysterical) – the amblyopia arising at hysteria; in many cases the disease is followed by other functional frustration of the visual analyzer, including narrowing of a field of vision, disturbance of color sensation, a photophobia;
  • Amblyopia obskuratsionny (amblyopia obscurationis; lat. obscuratio – misting, blackout) – the decrease in sight caused inborn or early by the acquired opacification of the refracting eye environments; after elimination of opacifications the lowered sight remains;
  • Amblyopia refraction (amblyopia refractiva) – the amblyopia arising at anomalies of a refraction, mainly, at an astigmatism and a hypermetropia of high degree; during inspection of anomaly of optical correction do not give in.
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