Main > Medical terms> Anamnesis


Anamnesis (anamnesis; Greek anamnesis – reminiscence) – a data set, received when performing medical examination by poll of the inspected patient and/or people knowing it.

Allocate the following types of the anamnesis:

  • Obstetric (obstetrica) – the part of the anamnesis devoted to genital (generative) function of the woman (the number of pregnancies, abortions and childbirth, character of complications and feature of their current, character of periods);
  • Allergological (allergologica) – information on displays of allergic diseases at inspected, his relatives, and also about possible contact with allergens;
  • Disease (morbi) – data on emergence and the course of this disease and efficiency of earlier carried out therapy;
  • Lives (vitae) – information on physical, mental and social development inspected;
  • Hereditary (hereditaria) – the part of the family anamnesis devoted to diseases of parents and other blood relatives;
  • Professional (professionalis) – data on character and working conditions of the patient, for example, about existence of professional vrednost;
  • Psychiatric (psychiatrica) – data on features of mental development, a warehouse of the personality, heredity, the training and professional activity inspected a circle of its inclinations and interests, family relationship;
  • Family (familiaris) – a part of the anamnesis of life which is devoted to family composition of the patient, a psychological situation in it, to diseases of close relatives, etc.;
  • Social – the part of the anamnesis of life including living conditions, social activity and social standing of the patient;
  • Sports – the anamnesis collected at athletes which concerns their physical development, physical fitness, the mode and a technique of trainings, dynamics of sports results, portability of training loads;
  • Pharmacological – the part of the anamnesis of a disease devoted to routes of administration, doses, collateral and medical to effects of earlier used drugs, and also data on medicinal intolerance;
  • Epidemiological – the anamnesis collected at infectious diseases for establishment of a possible source of an infection and ways of transfer of its activator.
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Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.