Main > Medical terms> Aortografiya


Aortografiya (Greek aeiro – to lift + Greek grapho – to represent, write) – X-ray inspection of an aorta and its branches after administration of contrast medium in a gleam.


  • Aortografiya transvenous – a contrast agent is entered after venesection through a catheter or a cannula into a median vein of an elbow, the right femoral or superficial jugular vein;
  • Aortografiya translumbar (synonyms: the aortografiya is paralumbar, the aortografiya perinephric) – a contrast agent is entered into an aorta by means of its puncture in lumbar area, is 8-10 cm more left than a back midline of a body;
  • Aortografiya transfemoralny – a contrast agent is entered into an aorta through the catheter which is carried out to it from a femoral artery.
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