Main > Medical terms> Appendicitis


Appendicitis (appendicitis; annate. appendix vermiformis – a worm-shaped shoot + lat. it (словообраз. a suffix) – inflammatory process; synonyms: vermiculite, epitiflit) – inflammatory process of a worm-shaped shoot of a caecum.

Allocate the following types of appendicitis:

  • Gangrenous (gangraenosa) – is characterized by a necrosis of all layers of a wall of an appendix on the limited site or on all its extent;
  • Hernial (hemialis) – appendicitis at entry of an appendix into a hernial bag against the background of hernia of an abdominal wall;
  • Destructive (destructiva) – is characterized by destruction of fabrics of an appendix because of their purulent fusion or a necrosis and ichorization;
  • Catarral (catarrhalis) – an acute appendicitis at which fabrics of an appendix do not collapse;
  • Acute (acuta) – shows attacks of acute pains in a stomach with signs of irritation of a peritoneum and disturbance of the general condition of an organism;
  • Perforative (perforafiva) – destructive appendicitis at which leads destruction of fabrics of its wall to a perforation of an appendix;
  • Retrocecal (retrocaecalis) – appendicitis at localization of an appendix behind a caecum, completely or partially in retroperitoneal cellulose;
  • Recurrent (recidiva) – a repeated attack of an acute appendicitis which arose after the long period during which only signs of an appendicism were observed or there were no painful phenomena;
  • Sclerosing (sclerosans) – is characterized by extensive cicatricial changes of a wall of an appendix which lead to obturation or an obliteration of his cavity;
  • Fibroplastic (fibroplastica) – is characterized by growth of connecting fabric in subserous and submucous layers of a wall of an appendix;
  • Phlegmonous and ulcer (ulcerophlegmonosa) – is characterized by an ulceration of a mucous membrane of an appendix with the subsequent distribution of inflammatory process in the subject layers of its wall with their purulent fusion;
  • Chronic (chronica) – proceeds as productive inflammatory process of intersticial (interstitial) fabric, mainly, around intramural vessels of a worm-shaped shoot. The appendicism is clinically shown as unsharp constants or kolikoobrazny pains; arises owing to the postponed acute appendicitis, and sometimes without it.
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In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.