Main > Medical terms> Endointoxication


Endointoxication (autointoxicatio; Greek autos – own, the same + lat. in-– an arrangement in something + Greek toxikon – poison; synonym: intoxication endogenous) – organism poisoning with the toxic agents which are formed in it.


  • Endointoxication infectious (autointoxicatio infectiosa) – poisoning with decomposition products of fabrics at infectious diseases or bacterial toxins at autoinfection;
  • Endointoxication intestinal (autointoxicatio intestinalis) – a rezorbtsionny endointoxication putrilages and fermentations in intestines (skatole, phenol, an indole, etc.);
  • Endointoxication exchange (autointoxicatio metabolica) – poisoning with products of the broken metabolism (the nitrogenous bases, phenols, acid products of carbohydrate metabolism, etc.);
  • Endointoxication rezorbtsionny (autointoxicatio resorptionalis) – poisoning with the toxic products from perigastriums which are soaked up in blood (for example, against the background of suppuration);
  • Endointoxication retentsionny (autointoxicatio retentionalis; lat. retentio – preservation, keeping) – the poisoning caused by disturbance of removal of poisonous products of exchange which were formed in an organism in the course of normal life activity.
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