Antritis (highmoritis; annate. sinus Highmori – a Highmore's bosom, the lat relating to a Highmore's (maxillary) bosom +. it (словообраз. a suffix) – inflammatory process; synonyms: sinusitis maxillary, a maxillitis) – an inflammation of a mucous membrane of a genyantrum.
Allocate the following types of antritis:
The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.
Popular joke that there are no healthy people, and is nedoobsledovanny, most of us considers an honest truth, and put that...
Section: Articles about healthWe live during an advertizing era. Daily each person receives a solid portion of persuasive councils about what to eat to be healthy and successful. Products about which we will talk today are combined by the following circumstance: all of them are positioned as most...
Section: Articles about healthAccording to data of World Health Organization, the cataract is diagnosed almost for 7% of the population of Earth. The statistics of incidence is considered not full as at an initial stage the illness, as a rule, does not cause to the person of special inconveniences, and many diseased sees doctors not at once. The cataract is not only one of the most widespread ophthalmologic illnesses, but also the reason of a half of cases of loss of sight....
Section: Articles about healthSmack in a mouth can arise in the natural way – as a result of lack of morning hygiene or reception of the corresponding food. Odn...
Section: Articles about healthEach person supports all life a SARS about 200 times. The peak of incidence falls on cold season, but it is possible to get sick with a temperature and a pharyngalgia, and sometimes and very possibly, even during a heat. The reasons for development of catarrhal diseases exists множество:...
Section: Articles about healthToday about 30 diseases, sexually transmitted are known. Wide circulation of these illnesses is extremely promoted by the dual attitude towards them: on the one hand, most of people know about "shameful" diseases very little and do not aim at receiving detailed and reliable information, considering that such problems personally will never concern them. With another – there are delusions about STD which instill unreasonable confidence that troubles such...
Section: Articles about healthThe fatigue, sleep debt, disturbances of food, bad mood, vagaries of the weather – all these circumstances badly are reflected in our vn...
Section: Articles about healthThe medicine promptly develops, and the fact that else quite recently it seemed by miracle can now. We are not surprised any more to the fact that people with artificial joints and extremities can play sports, organ transplantation became a routine, and the latest cancer medicine п...
Section: Articles about healthThey say that to ensure health and longevity of people it is obliged. Really, at competent approach to these questions, minimization of an adverse effect of many factors does not represent a special problem. Practically everyone has an opportunity to play sports, to pick up an optimum operating mode and rest, to adjust healthy food, to refuse addictions. It is more difficult to exclude hit in an organism of harmful substances through a respiratory organs: not all are able to afford to live in the area with хо...
Section: Articles about healthPractice of hypnotic impact on consciousness of the person contains about two millennia. During this time scientists were in time a lot of things узн...
Section: Articles about healthFeeding by a breast - the integral part of ideal motherhood allowing to come into contact with the kid and to create to it healthy immunity since early years. Nevertheless, this important process in life of mother and child can be saddened laktostazy − by a delay of milts...
Section: Articles about healthThe person, as well as all other beings living on our planet feels weather changing. It is the normal meteosensitivity which is not causing to healthy people of special troubles. Meteodependence, on the contrary, is the morbid condition which is characterized by an exacerbation of chronic illnesses at change of air temperature, differences of atmospheric pressure, wind strengthening, magnetic storms and other "surprises" on which the nature is so generous. The people suffering from meteodependence have to з...
Section: Articles about healthWater with a lemon - idle time in preparation drink which supporters of a healthy lifestyle already managed to appreciate. Upo...
Section: Articles about healthThe pine is one of the most widespread plants of our woods. Its needles and pitch not without reason called by "gallipot" were since ancient times used for strengthening of protective forces of an organism, treatment of avitaminosis, anemia and many other diseases. In recent years wide п...
Section: Articles about healthFor the help to doctors in the choice of optimal solutions for treatment of various diseases the Cochrane scientific organization (Cochrane) conducts joint researches with representatives of scientific community around the world. The analysis of a series of the conducted researches of the drug Oscillococcinum® relating to group of cold remedies became one of the last methanolyses....
Section: Articles about healthThe drugs stopping or oppressing life activity of pathogenic microorganisms are widely applied in clinical practice with 4...
Section: Articles about healthStatistically, pathologies of a thyroid gland in the world more than 500 million people have. Failures in work of this body lead to heavy disbolism, development of heart diseases, vessels, a reproductive and nervous system. In hard cases excessive...
Section: Articles about healthThe pancreas performs two functions in a human body: release of enzymes without which digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and a producing hormones is impossible. The most important of them - insulin, is the main participant of carbohydrate metabolism normalizing processes of education and utilization of glucose, the main energy source for an organism....
Section: Articles about healthEnergy saving lamps are one of the most popular products of innovative technologies, and there is no wonder: they much эк...
Section: Articles about healthMany of us, probably, noticed more than once that from intellectual loadings at some point the brain as though "overheats" and "assimilation" of information is strongly slowed down. Especially this problem urgent for persons of age becomes more senior than fifty years. "It is already bad with...
Section: Articles about healthDietary supplements (dietary supplements) for the last decades were so thoroughly included into our life that, apparently, it is already impossible to find the person who at least once did not try them. At the same time, most of our compatriots have a vague idea of what dietary supplements as they affect a human body consist of and what differ from the real medicines in. Let's try to understand these questions, and at the same time and to understand, such additives are how necessary for us....
Section: Articles about healthSubfebrile temperature call fervescence to 38 degrees, and subfebrile condition - existence of such temperature from above...
Section: Articles about healthCondition of lips (their morbidity, outward) – one of indicators of health of the person. The peeling, dryness, pallor, and also cracks in corners of a mouth can be not only the cosmetic shortcoming which arose owing to physical damages and weather having sent away...
Section: Articles about healthThe nature does not stand stagnation and monotony. It is known that tissues of a human body atrophy if do not receive necessary loadings. It fully belongs also to a cerebral cortex: when it is not given full-time job, it begins to function worse. As a result memory decreases, the person becomes less bright, acquires information more slowly, hardly switches from one thought to another. There are problems at work, difficulties with communication and career development. These it is unpleasant...
Section: Articles about healthFor many women the word "fat" sounds as a sentence. In aspiration to an ideal figure they try to exclude, first of all, from with...
Section: Articles about healthGood appetite was always considered as a sign of good health. The correct operation of the mechanism which is responsible for the need for nutrients and receiving pleasure from process of its satisfaction demonstrates that the organism functions without special from...
Section: Articles about healthThe depression not without reason is considered one their main troubles of our century: for scientific and technical progress, acceleration of rate of life and a surplus of information of people it is forced to pay with stresses, negative emotions and weakening of protective forces of an organism. As a result widely the states which are characterized by the increased uneasiness, falling of interest in life, spiritual and physical discomfort extend....
Section: Articles about health