Main > Medical terms> Antritis


Antritis (highmoritis; annate. sinus Highmori – a Highmore's bosom, the lat relating to a Highmore's (maxillary) bosom +. it (словообраз. a suffix) – inflammatory process; synonyms: sinusitis maxillary, a maxillitis) – an inflammation of a mucous membrane of a genyantrum.

Allocate the following types of antritis:

  • Allergic (allergica) – allergic reaction in the form of hypersecretion and the hypostasis of a mucous membrane which are combined, as a rule, with similar changes in a nose; the disease characterizes a wavy current with the sneezing coming suddenly, a nose congestion, plentiful watery allocations, an itch;
  • Atrophic (atrophica) – the chronic disease which is followed by the phenomena of a mucosal atrophy; it is shown scanty, with an unpleasant smell allocations from a nose, in certain cases – pains in the affected bosom;
  • Hyperplastic (hyperplastica) – the chronic disease which is followed by formation of polyps and a hyperplasia of a mucous membrane; it is shown by an alternate mortgaging of a nose, often repeating or constant liquid allocations;
  • Purulent (purulenta) – is followed by accumulation in a cavity of a bosom of purulent exudate, is frequent – education in the thickness of a cover of cavities;
  • Catarral (catarrhalis) – is followed by education in a cavity of mucous or serous exudate;
  • Dontogenous (odontogena) – arises as a complication at diseases of an upper jaw and teeth;
  • Acute (acuta) – purulent or catarral antritis; it is shown by hypostasis and a hyperemia of a mucous membrane, fervescence, a fever, pains in the affected bosom and a forehead, breath difficulty, unilateral plentiful allocations from a nose;
  • Traumatic (traumatica) – the purulent antritis developing because of an injury of an upper jaw, operation in nasal cavities or on an alveolar shoot;
  • Chronic (chronica) – the proceeding disease is long, is frequent with aggravations and remissions; depending on the nature of disturbances in the affected bosom it is shown by an indisposition, the general weakness, headaches, a nose congestion, bystry fatigue and other symptoms.
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