Ganzena way of coloring (F. Page of Ch. Hansen, Danish histologist, 1870-1934; synonym: Ganzena a zhelezotrigemateinovy way) – a method of coloring of cellular kernels solutions of sulfate ammonium, iron alum and hematoxylin with further processing of 0,5-0,1% solution of acetic or 2% sulphuric acid solution; kernels gain black color.
The well-known drug "Viagra" was initially developed for treatment of an arterial hypertension.
Epilepsy is one of widespread neurologic diseases. To parents, whose children suffer from this illness, it is necessary...
Section: Articles about healthRadiological methods of a research are applied in medicine more than hundred years, and thanks to them millions of lives were saved. In many cases without X-ray it is impossible to make exact idea of a condition of bodies and fabrics, it is correct to make the diagnosis. Those...
Section: Articles about healthMany parents of children at the age of 2-4 years face excessively whimsical behavior of the child. The kid exhausts constant crying and whims not only the parents, but also himself. In what the reasons of children's whims. And how to fight with them?...
Section: SlideshowAbout 20% of the population of our planet have a hypertension (permanent increase in arterial pressure). This disease negatively narrations...
Section: Articles about healthWork of a brain is extremely complex and in many respects is not studied yet. It is confirmed also by the features of thought processes which are shown when the person sleeps. Let's tell about some of them....
Section: Articles about healthThe fatigue, sleep debt, disturbances of food, bad mood, vagaries of the weather – all these circumstances badly affect our appearance. Especially the person suffers: skin becomes flabby, loses healthy color, becomes covered by wrinkles, zones of hypostases and dark circles under eyes appear. It is not always possible to be saved from influence of aggressive factors, but we are quite able to minimize its effects. For this purpose usually apply the cosmetics and procedures helping увлаж...
Section: Articles about healthThe varicosity has familiarly many, statistically, this disease more than a half of all adult population. As...
Section: Articles about healthWhat woman does not dream of a beautiful and thick hair? While physicians developed difficult schemes on hair transplant, in the industry of hairdresser's art a few years ago there was a sensation – methods of hair extension appeared. It would seem, dreams came true...
Section: Articles about healthThe number of long-livers is very small. One person from 5 thousand lives up to age of 90 years, and the centenary boundary steps over only one of 20 thousand. However, doctors claim that each of us is quite able to affect own destiny. At the same time it is not so much about living as long as possible, how many about an opportunity to keep physical and intellectual activity and to avoid decrepitude. We will also talk about the ways helping to achieve this result today....
Section: Articles about healthThe way of life of people promptly changes from year to year: if about ten years ago the personal computer was not in each family...
Section: Articles about healthWe live during an advertizing era. Daily each person receives a solid portion of persuasive councils about what to eat to be healthy and successful. Products about which we will talk today are combined by the following circumstance: all of them are positioned as most...
Section: Articles about healthThe popular expression "run from a heart attack" became the motto of the people supporting active lifestyle. Moreover, run became a peculiar fashionable tendency: sales of racetracks and the accompanying goods for run are at permanently high level. Whether really it is possible for one and all people and it is necessary to run to receive the portion of health, a charge of cheerfulness and good mood?...
Section: Articles about healthSubfebrile temperature call fervescence to 38 degrees, and subfebrile condition - existence of such temperature from above...
Section: Articles about healthIt is possible to find the extensive range of fruit and vegetables in modern shops. Russians already got used that on counters there is not only a seasonal domestic production, but the vegetables and fruit which are grown up in the countries with more comfortable conditions at all seasons of the year...
Section: Articles about healthSome people consider what for medicine of the 21st century of secrets in the field of health of the person almost does not exist. It absolutely not so. The more answers scientists receive, the more the most difficult questions are raised for them by life. Besides, there are diseases which are not explained with science in any way of which existence people know for 100-150 years. These diseases meet not so often, but from some of them nobody is insured....
Section: Articles about healthLife activity of one-celled fungi of the sort Candida is a proximate cause of development of candidiasis (milkwoman), it is related...
Section: Articles about healthThe modern person not always manages to find housing in the environmentally friendly region and such work which would not do harm to health. With food stuffs at first sight the situation is much better: shops are overflowed with goods which are positioned пр...
Section: Articles about healthLife expectancy in various regions of Earth is not identical. Social stability, economic wellbeing, availability and level of medical care, household comfort, literacy of the population in the field of respect for sanitary and hygienic norms and many other factors exert impact on it. However one parameter remains to the general almost for all countries of the world: women on average live for 7-10 years longer, than men. Today we will talk about the reasons of this phenomenon....
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person in many respects depends on food. The organism will well function if during food it are...
Section: Articles about healthThe person, as well as all other beings living on our planet feels weather changing. It is the normal meteosensitivity which is not causing to healthy people of special troubles. Meteodependence, on the contrary, is morbid condition, характеризующимс...
Section: Articles about healthIt is impossible to imagine human life in which there would be no plants. Practically in each apartment and any production room there are window plants, millions of people with pleasure are engaged in gardening and truck farming, many citizens spend free time on seasonal dachas. However we very seldom pay attention to those properties of our green pets who can make the neighbourhood with them unpleasant and even unsafe....
Section: Articles about healthThere is an opinion that at low temperatures safety of products is ensured longer and better thanks to what the refrigerator considers...
Section: Articles about healthProducers of milk mixes for children assure: mixes are ideally balanced and adapted for needs of babies. If mother should raise artificially the kid owing to serious problems with health, to do nothing – m substitutes...
Section: Articles about healthHousehold skills which to us so diligently imparted in the childhood it appears, not always bring only benefit. According to results of the last researches, some habits which for a long time were considered useful and even necessary can become the reason of serious indispositions. Here only seven the most widespread of them....
Section: Articles about healthFor the city dweller the fitness is the most convenient sport. It is enough to acquire the subscription to the gym to receive to a toast...
Section: Articles about healthPhobia – the persuasive fear of a certain contents shown in a specific situation against the will of the person. Concepts of a phobia and fear are similar, however if the fear is natural protective function of mentality, then the phobia is its deviation. So the person can an ispytyva...
Section: Articles about healthDiapers for adults – individual one-time means of hygiene which in some situations is irreplaceable and from such situations any person is not insured. Though nobody perceives need of their use with enthusiasm, however without such means already problematic situation could be heavier....
Section: Articles about health