Garloka operation (J. The N of Garlock, the American surgeon, was born in 1896) – the surgery which is carried out at cancer of a cardial part of a stomach with receiving access by means of diafragmo-, torako-and laparotomies; after a resection of a cardial part of a stomach and its removal in a pleural cavity carry out imposing of an intrapleural gastroezofagoanastomoz.
Drug for cough Terpinkod is one of leaders of sales, not because of the medicinal properties at all.
Ayurveda - the most ancient tselitelsky practice which came to us from India. It represents the doctrine about maintenance physical, ps...
Section: Articles about healthThe body of the person almost for 60% consists of water. It is so important for normal functioning of an organism that loss of only one and a half percent of liquid already leads to the most unpleasant effects. The problems connected with deficit of water can overtake and...
Section: Articles about healthThe summer of this year in Russia was very ambiguous. Regions suffered from a merciless heat, from pouring rains, the hail from time to time dropped out, then there was again a heat which alternated with rainfall again. Many people suffer from such sharp changes of weather. Even flu epidemics and a SARS were recorded....
Section: Articles about healthThe depression not without reason is considered one their main troubles of our century: for scientific and technical progress, acceleration of rate of life and a surplus...
Section: Articles about healthCold, puffiness of a nose, itch, the watering eyes - characteristic symptoms of the allergic rhinitis resulting from hit of allergens (pollen, house dust, hair of animals, etc.) on a mucous membrane of a nose. Unpleasant feelings often deliver беспоко...
Section: Articles about healthDietary supplements (dietary supplements) for the last decades were so thoroughly included into our life that, apparently, it is already impossible to find the person who at least once did not try them. At the same time, most of our compatriots have a vague idea of what dietary supplements as they affect a human body consist of and what differ from the real medicines in. Let's try to understand these questions, and at the same time and to understand, such additives are how necessary for us....
Section: Articles about healthThe chia plant, or the Spanish sage, is from South America. The indigenous people of the continent since ancient times used in food it семена:...
Section: Articles about healthTraveling all over the world, many try to try the most exotic dishes of national cuisines. There is even a so-called gastronomic tourism which, according to gourmets, not only allows to receive new feelings, but also is capable to show life the friend...
Section: Articles about healthEach person knows that fervescence is an illness sign. However too low temperature (hypothermia), especially also can demonstrate existence of diseases when it is observed long enough. Such state is dangerous that it, unlike fever, does not give a serious inconvenience: patients usually complain only of weakness, drowsiness, apathy. Sometimes the fever and a cryesthesia in extremities joins. Many people at similar symptoms...
Section: Articles about healthIt seems, quite recently you brought the baby from maternity hospital, but time flew by, and here it is already going to join the first...
Section: Articles about healthHistory of use of an anesthesia during operations contains more than 160 years. Annually in the world hundreds of thousands of surgical interventions during which to patients the substances immersing them in a dream and saving from pain are entered are carried out. Using an anesthesia to these...
Section: Articles about healthLong time antibiotics were considered as a panacea from all diseases and were appointed even at insignificant symptoms of an infection. Even now not everyone knows in what force of antibiotics how and when they should be accepted. Let's discredit 7 popular myths about such drugs....
Section: Articles about healthProducers of milk mixes for children assure: mixes are ideally balanced and adapted for needs of babies. In a sluch...
Section: Articles about healthImpossibility to conceive the child – a trouble of many Russian families. During quite long time was considered that main "culprits" of troubles such are women. Modern physicians claim that the situation is different: about a half of failures at...
Section: Articles about healthAn eye of the person daily experiences considerable strain. The problem of preservation of sight is for many years directly connected with a question of supply of tissues of eye enough oxygen and nutrients. This task is carried out by small vessels – capillaries. For normal functioning of the visual device extremely important that they kept the integrity, but it works well not always. Microtraumas of eye vessels during which there are small hemorrhages it is extraordinary расп...
Section: Articles about healthThe climax, or menopause is the normal process of the termination of genital function of the woman which is followed serious hormonal...
Section: Articles about healthIodine - one of thirty most important microelements in our organism. The main role of iodine consists in synthesis of thyroid hormones of a thyroid gland - the substances which are responsible for the majority of exchange processes of an organism. It is known that thyroid hormones consist...
Section: Articles about healthYou heard that laughter prolongs life? Researchers did not manage to establish longevity direct link with sincere fun yet, but several facts confirming beneficial influence of risibility on the state of health are clinically proved....
Section: Articles about healthDark circles (bruises) under eyes – a shortcoming with most of which often fight against the help of cosmetics (proofreaders, salons...
Section: Articles about healthWomen quite often suffer from complexes concerning the sizes of the bust. Strangely enough, not too modest, and excessively curvy shapes become the reason of sincere discomfort sometimes. Except psychological problems, a big bust sometimes with...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person depends on many factors. One of the most important is the constant, but not exhausting a physical activity. In the presence of various illnesses specialists often advise patients to do swimming which by right takes the leading place by efficiency of improvement, having at the same time a few contraindications. Today we will talk about the main directions of therapeutic impact of swimming on a human body....
Section: Articles about healthInsufficiently strongly expressed sexual desire or lack of satisfaction from sexual contacts can test time from in...
Section: Articles about healthPartial and the more so full loss of hearing significantly reduces quality of life. Difficulties with communication lead to loneliness and isolation. The person who badly hears experiences difficulties with social and professional implementation, quite often has problems in...
Section: Articles about healthOne of the useful properties presented to the person by the nature is ability to feel fear. This ability is designed to signal about approach of a dangerous situation and to help to avoid in advance it to keep life. However if the fear is persuasive and is not reasonable, it can seriously limit possibilities of the person in respect of socialization and self-realization. Such pathological fear is called a phobia....
Section: Articles about healthDogrose – one of the most widespread adornment and medicinal plants growing practically in all territory ours...
Section: Articles about healthThe advantage of swimming for the person is so high that this sport is not only the most popular, but also is widely applied in medicine and rehabilitation processes. If you look for for yourself the occupation allowing pleasantly and to spend time, then swimming with advantage...
Section: SlideshowThe number of long-livers is very small. One person from 5 thousand lives up to age of 90 years, and the centenary boundary steps over only one of 20 thousand. However, doctors claim that each of us is quite able to affect own destiny. At the same time it is not so much about living as long as possible, how many about an opportunity to keep physical and intellectual activity and to avoid decrepitude. We will also talk about the ways helping to achieve this result today....
Section: Articles about health