Main > Medical terms> Gastroduodenostomy


Gastroduodenostomy (gastroduodenostomia; Greek gaster, gasteros – a stomach + anatomic duodenum – a duodenum + Greek stoma – an opening) – surgery on imposing of an anastomosis between a duodenum and a stomach.

Allocate a gastroduodenostomy:

  • Across Zhabula (synonym: Zhabule a gastroduodenostomy) – surgery at which imposing of an anastomosis "a side sideways" is carried out between a front wall of a prepyloric part of a stomach and the descending part of a duodenum;
  • Terminal (terminalis) – when carrying out which is applied to an anastomosis terminal department of a duodenum;
  • According to Elekkeru-Finney (synonym: Elekkera-Finney a gastroduodenostomy) – at which the gastroduodenostomy is combined with a pyloroplasty.
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