Main > Medical terms> Gastroenterostomy


Gastroenterostomy (gastroenterostomia; Greek gaster, gastros – a stomach + Greek entera – intestines, guts + stoma – an opening; synonym: a gastroyeyunostomiya) – the surgery consisting in imposing of an anastomosis between thin (preferential, lean) a gut and a stomach.

Types of a gastroenterostomy:

  • According to Brown (Brown a gastroenterostomy) – at which back gray and serous and serous and muscular stitches are put before opening of a stomach and a gut;
  • On Belflera (Belflera a gastroenterostomy) – at which the anastomosis "a side sideways" is imposed by kpered from a cross colon, connecting a jejunum and a front wall of a stomach;
  • Vertical (verticalis) – a gastroenterostomy "a side sideways" at which the intestinal loop is placed in the direction from small curvature of a stomach (upper concave edge) to big (to the bottom convex edge);
  • On Gakkera (Gakkera a gastroenterostomy) – consists in imposing of the back horizontal gastroenteroanastomosis which is followed by carrying out a long loop of a jejunum behind from a cross colon;
  • According to Gakkeru-Brown (Gakkera-Brown a gastroenterostomy) – one of types of a gastroenterostomy on Gakkera at which at the same time impose an interintestinal anastomosis between the bringing and taking away loops of a small bowel according to Brown;
  • According to Gakkeru-Petersen (Gakkera-Petersen a gastroenterostomy) – a back horizontal gastroenterostomy at which the short loop of a jejunum is carried out behind a cross colon;
  • Horizontal (horizontalis) – a gastroenterostomy "a side sideways" with placement of an intestinal loop in the direction from the cardia to a pylorus;
  • Back (posterior) – consists in imposing of an anastomosis with a jejunum on a back wall of a stomach through an opening in its mesentery behind a cross colon;
  • Front (anterior) – at which an anastomosis with a jejunum is imposed kpered from a cross colon on a front wall of a stomach.
Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.