Hematophobia (haematophobia; Greek haimatos, haima – blood + Greek phobos – fear) – the persuasive fear which is shown pathological fear of blood.
More than 500 million dollars a year are spent for allergy medicine only in the USA. All of you still believe that the way to finally win against an allergy will be found?
Insufficiently strongly expressed sexual desire or lack of satisfaction from sexual contacts can test time from in...
Section: Articles about healthNot everyone can brag of the shining Hollywood smile. Even the person who is regularly visiting the stomatologist and watching of oral cavities over health periodically has problems: enamel of teeth darkens under the influence of some products, on it I accumulate...
Section: Articles about healthThe pancreas performs two functions in a human body: release of enzymes without which digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and a producing hormones is impossible. The most important of them - insulin, is the main participant of carbohydrate metabolism normalizing processes of education and utilization of glucose, the main energy source for an organism....
Section: Articles about healthOsteoporosis this general disease which main sign is decrease in density of a bone tissue. On width распростран...
Section: Articles about healthSmoking not only exerts a negative impact on the state of health of the consumer of tobacco products, but is an air polluter the substances potentially dangerous to people around. In recent years significantly the number of people, стремящ increased...
Section: Articles about healthPractically each person is familiar with the annoying, pulling, unscrewing pains caused by overcooling of muscles of a back. In certain cases inflammatory process is not limited to discomfort, being followed by emergence of hypostasis, consolidations, temperature increase. At the wrong treatment the acute miositis can lead to a chronic disease or aggravation of other pathologies of a back (vertebral hernia, osteochondrosis) therefore it is important to pay attention to symptoms of an illness in time and to start to...
Section: Articles about healthMany of us, probably, noticed more than once that from intellectual loadings at some point the brain as though "overheats" also "assimilation"...
Section: Articles about healthWhen overcomes feeling of hunger, and an opportunity to have dinner fully is absent, having a snack − the meals, small on volume, stabilizing sugar level in blood comes to the rescue. The relation of nutritionists to having a snack is more often negative, but only because in кач...
Section: Articles about healthGood appetite was always considered as a sign of good health. The correct operation of the mechanism which is responsible for the need for nutrients and receiving pleasure from process of its satisfaction demonstrates that the organism functions without special deviations. On the other hand, appetite of the person is not a constant. It depends on the culture of food, flavoring addictions imparted since the childhood which can change during life, weather, mood and many д more than once...
Section: Articles about healthLet's begin with the fact that a separate illness which is called "adjournment of salts", just does not exist. In practice this household name of plank beds...
Section: Articles about healthThe winter swimming in open reservoirs called in our country by "winter swimming" – officially recognized sport and one of the most extreme ways of a hardening of an organism. This occupation has an old story and adherents in many countries. Are annually carried out...
Section: Articles about healthDuring foot walks blood moves on vessels more actively and one and all bodies are supplied with a large amount of oxygen. It affects the state of health of the person very positively....
Section: SlideshowSooner or later hair turn gray at all. Many people try to hide these changes, returning natural color of the hair with the help about...
Section: Articles about healthLife activity of one-celled fungi of the sort Candida, related to yeast is a proximate cause of development of candidiasis (milkwoman). Normal these microorganisms are a part of the microflora living in an oral cavity and intestines of most of people, and that...
Section: Articles about healthIt would seem, about it there can be no disagreements: water is necessary for a human body for normal life activity, and about how and when it should be drunk, all know. It turned out that the situation is not absolutely so: for many years there are very persistent delusions connected with this question. Let's consider the most widespread of them....
Section: Articles about healthWith age in a human body harmful substances collect. We receive them with food and water, at inhalation contaminated air...
Section: Articles about healthWater with a lemon - idle time in preparation drink which supporters of a healthy lifestyle already managed to appreciate. Used in a warm look and on an empty stomach, it is one of the most useful prophylactics allowing to prevent tens з...
Section: Articles about healthThe problem of diagnosis was and remains to one of the most important in medicine. From that, the reason of an indisposition of the patient will be how precisely defined, eventually success of treatment depends. In spite of the fact that the majority of the diagnostic methods applied in official clinical practice has very high informational content and reliability, mistakes directed by diagnoses nevertheless are not excluded....
Section: Articles about healthToday about 30 diseases, sexually transmitted are known. To wide circulation of these illnesses extremely with...
Section: Articles about healthOn health of the person physicians know about salutary action of animals long ago. About 7 thousand years ago great Hippocrates recommended to the patients riding walks for strengthening of a nervous system and increase in vitality....
Section: Articles about healthThe popular expression "run from a heart attack" became the motto of the people supporting active lifestyle. Moreover, run became a peculiar fashionable tendency: sales of racetracks and the accompanying goods for run are at permanently high level. Whether really it is possible for one and all people and it is necessary to run to receive the portion of health, a charge of cheerfulness and good mood?...
Section: Articles about healthDiseases of joints often begin imperceptibly for the person. The first stages of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue providing soft and свободн...
Section: Articles about healthVisit of doctors – business not the most pleasant, and many people do not hurry to undergo necessary planned inspections. Such behavior is extremely thoughtless and improvident. Our health is necessary not only to us: wellbeing of darlings, children, grandsons and престар...
Section: Articles about healthThe word "onikhokriptoz" is unfamiliar to most of people, meanwhile quite so physicians call very widespread problem: the growing of edge of a nail into surrounding fabrics causing inflammatory process. Usually the illness affects thumbs of legs, and is followed by reddening, hypostasis, and in the started cases – release of pus. Patients complain of the pain amplifying when walking, problems with the choice of footwear....
Section: Articles about healthSince the moment when the child becomes a school student, his sight begins to be exposed to the strengthened loadings which are supplemented viewing...
Section: Articles about healthThe dietology, as well as other sciences, does not stand still. Food stuffs are exposed to comprehensive study, and scientists obtain new information on their properties and influence on a human body. Unfortunately, this reasonable and natural process from time to time д...
Section: Articles about healthStatistically, can only one of ten of our compatriots brag of a decent condition of an oral cavity. Six teeth affected with caries are the share of the average Russian. For comparison, this indicator for Europeans is almost six times less....
Section: Articles about health