Hematoma paroxysmal hands (haematoma paroxysmale manuum; synonyms: Akhenbakh a syndrome, an apoplexy of fingers) – the disease of not clear etiology which is characterized by development of hematomas (after mechanical loading or it is spontaneous) on the palmar surface of distal phalanxes of fingers of hands.
The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.
Diapers for adults – individual one-time means of hygiene which in some situations is irreplaceable, and from such situats...
Section: Articles about healthIt would seem, about it there can be no disagreements: water is necessary for a human body for normal life activity, and about how and when it should be drunk, all know. It turned out that the situation is not absolutely so: for many years occur ве...
Section: Articles about healthFrosty air, fresh wind and easy snowball at most of Russians are associated with cheerfulness, health and cheerful entertainments on which our winter is so generous. But, unfortunately, cold season sometimes brings also troubles with health. It is not about seasonal colds and frostbites, and about those chronic illnesses which symptoms are shown preferential in the winter....
Section: Articles about healthOne of the major chemical processes happening in a human body are oxidation reactions. They go with participation of fats...
Section: Articles about healthVery often as a source of the infection which caused a disease serves our house - the place which a priori has to be safe. However disease-producing bacteria can perfectly feel not only in insanitary conditions, but also in our apartment if not осущ...
Section: Articles about healthFor the person who daily since morning gathers for work it is very important to wake up vigorous and ready by day of work. Actually, each of us experiences difficulties with this, at first sight, simple business from time to time. After night rest exert impact on a condition of an organism the weather which collected for several days fatigue, household and office problems, quality of a dream and many other factors....
Section: Articles about healthThe modern person not always manages to find housing in the environmentally friendly region and such work which would not do harm здо...
Section: Articles about healthThe list of stereotypes of which, apparently, all know strongly includes following: British surely eat porridge for breakfast. Perhaps, not all modern residents of Britain arrive quite so, but for those from them which continue to follow this t...
Section: Articles about healthUse of medicinal plants in therapy is urgent today, more than ever. The drugs made of curative herbs cannot replace completely modern synthetic drugs, but their use becomes frequent serious help in simplification of a course of many illnesses and improvement of quality of life of chronic patients....
Section: Articles about healthThe mankind knows that some toxins at intake in the minimum quantities have therapeutic effect...
Section: Articles about healthThe business lady, the become mother, it is necessary to solve an array of problems. But of them is main: how to combine the beloved child and work? What traps trap the working mother and how she needs to behave?...
Section: SlideshowNew year, wedding, birthday, office party – an occasion to drink at the Russian person will always be. How to reduce a negative impact of alcohol by an organism and to avoid a condition of strong intoxication? The most correct council – to refuse the use of alcoholic drinks. Council is true, but not always feasible. We offer several advice which will help you in cases when it is impossible to avoid alcohol intake....
Section: Articles about healthAny of us is not insured from a heavy illness of the loved one. Happens and so that someone from family members becomes lying бо...
Section: Articles about healthThe fatigue, sleep debt, disturbances of food, bad mood, vagaries of the weather – all these circumstances badly affect our appearance. Especially the person suffers: skin becomes flabby, loses healthy color, becomes covered by wrinkles, zones of hypostases and t appear...
Section: Articles about healthFor the city dweller the fitness is the most convenient sport. It is enough to acquire the subscription to the gym to get access to various apparatuses and an opportunity to train under the leadership of the experienced consultant. Many consider fitness the best way of maintenance of physical shape and receiving dynamic loads which the people occupied preferential with brainwork so need. Nevertheless, representations of most of consumers of similar services about специф...
Section: Articles about healthSeveral decades ago the basil (the district khan, реан, Reagan) was considered as a part of the Caucasian or east cuisine, but today it is strong for...
Section: Articles about health80% of women at least once to lives complained of discomfortable feelings to breasts, consolidations and nagrubaniye. These are mastopathy symptoms. The mastopathy is characterized by change of a ratio between ferruterous and connective tissue tissues of mammary glands. It can bring...
Section: Articles about healthThe name of this disease precisely reflects the problem reason: it consists in the bra fastener pressure upon a certain zone of a back. At the same time one of vertebrae of chest department of a backbone is as if blocked and loses mobility, and the loading falling on it is distributed on the next vertebrae. At 70-80% of women local pains in a backbone point on which the fastener of the often put most on bra presses result....
Section: Articles about healthSugar - the digestible refined product which is not of special value for an organism of the modern person. Use...
Section: Articles about healthThe trophic ulcer is not an independent disease. This heavy complication arising owing to a thermal injury (a burn or a frostbite), chronic pathologies of arteries or veins of the lower extremities, a diabetes mellitus, and also some defeats of a soyeda...
Section: Articles about healthLong time antibiotics were considered as a panacea from all diseases and were appointed even at insignificant symptoms of an infection. Even now not everyone knows in what force of antibiotics how and when they should be accepted. Let's discredit 7 popular myths about such drugs....
Section: Articles about healthEpilepsy is one of widespread neurologic diseases. To parents, whose children suffer from this illness, it is necessary...
Section: Articles about healthThe depression not without reason is considered one their main troubles of our century: for scientific and technical progress, acceleration of rate of life and a surplus of information of people it is forced to pay with stresses, negative emotions and weakening of protective forces of an organism. As a result ш...
Section: Articles about healthThe advantage of swimming for the person is so high that this sport is not only the most popular, but also is widely applied in medicine and rehabilitation processes. If you look for for yourself the occupation allowing pleasantly and to spend time, then swimming with advantage – the fact that it is necessary for you. And give learns several facts about swimming....
Section: SlideshowThere comes the season of issues. Many Russians already dream of outdoor recreation, trips, beautiful seaside beaches....
Section: Articles about healthNot everyone can brag of the shining Hollywood smile. Even the person who is regularly visiting the stomatologist and watching of oral cavities over health periodically has problems: enamel of teeth darkens under the influence of some products, on it I accumulate...
Section: Articles about healthNo, probably, the person who would not have cold. Cold, cough, a headache – these symptoms are known to everyone. The peak of catarrhal diseases is the share of fall. SARS already came to schools and kindergartens, flu slowly makes the way to the cities, in a word, winter close!...
Section: Articles about health