Main > Medical terms> Hemophilia


Hemophilia (hemophilia; Greek haima – blood + Greek philia – tendency) – the hereditary disease which is transmitted on recessive, linked to a floor, to type, VIII or IX blood coagulations caused by insufficiency of plasma factors; it is characterized by symptoms of the raised bleeding.

Types of hemophilia:

  • hemophilia And – caused by insufficiency of a factor of the VIII blood coagulation;
  • Cristmas disease (synonym: Kristmas's disease) – caused by deficit of a plasma factor of the IX blood coagulation;
  • hemophilia inhibitory – caused by emergence of anticoagulants in blood which inhibit activity of factors VIII or IX blood coagulations;
  • hemophilia kofaktorny – caused by lack of cofactors (activators) of factors VIII or IX blood coagulations; existence of this hemophilia finally is not proved;
  • hemophilia vascular (angiogemophilia) – differing in sharp increase in a bleeding time and reduction of contents or activity of the VIII blood-coagulation factors;
  • hemophilia thrombasthenic (synonym: the thrombasthenia) is shown in dysfunction of thrombocytes, at their invariable number in blood, symptoms are similar on observed at a Werlhof's disease.
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