Genitouretrografiya (Latin of genitalis – sexual, genital + Greek urzthra – an urethra + graphu – to represent, write) – the simultaneous X-ray analysis of ejaculatory and deferent ducts, a prostatic part of an urethra and seed bubbles which is a combination of an uretrografiya and a genitografiya.
Each person has not only unique fingerprints, but also language.
Life of the modern child is extremely active and difficult. Information strain which is experienced by the school student and did not dream the pupil...
Section: Articles about healthGood appetite was always considered as a sign of good health. The correct operation of the mechanism which is responsible for the need for nutrients and receiving pleasure from process of its satisfaction demonstrates that the organism functions without special from...
Section: Articles about healthThe pine is one of the most widespread plants of our woods. Its needles and pitch not without reason called by "gallipot" were since ancient times used for strengthening of protective forces of an organism, treatment of avitaminosis, anemia and many other diseases. In recent years wide popularity was gained by the national medicines prepared from pinecones. "Fruits" of a coniferous tree contain a huge amount of vitamins, biologically active agents, antioxidants, phytoncides and other useful to...
Section: Articles about healthThe concept "gluten" (differently, a gluten) combines group of the proteins which are a part of rye, barley and wheat. For most of people упот...
Section: Articles about healthOn health of the person physicians know about salutary action of animals long ago. About 7 thousand years ago great Hippocrates recommended to the patients riding walks for strengthening of a nervous system and increase in vitality....
Section: Articles about healthThe sudden heat on all body which is followed by perspiration and a cardiopalmus – the phenomenon familiar to many people. Most often such states called by "inflows" result from nervous or physical overworks and disappear right after rest. However in certain cases similar reaction of an organism can speak about diseases which need treatment. What? About it below....
Section: Articles about healthThe dietology, as well as other sciences, does not stand still. Food stuffs are exposed to comprehensive study, and scientists receive new and...
Section: Articles about healthCold is such painful that each sigh becomes a victory, heat "knocks" down, and the ache in joints forces to think only of pain. Some people with approach of the first symptoms of cold make the self-sacrificing decision to have a disease standing, and to a beam...
Section: Articles about healthAll are familiar with cold, and practically everyone believes that he has sufficient knowledge and experience that correctly to treat it. In practice most of people makes mistakes in attempts to get rid of rhinitis, and divides numerous delusions it....
Section: Articles about healthThe number of long-livers is very small. One person from 5 thousand lives up to age of 90 years, and the centenary boundary steps only about...
Section: Articles about healthThe medicine promptly develops, and the fact that else quite recently it seemed by miracle can now. We are not surprised any more to the fact that people with artificial joints and extremities can play sports, organ transplantation became a routine, and the latest cancer medicine п...
Section: Articles about healthIt is pleasant to state a possibility of improvement of quality of life of people with problems of functioning of secretory system. Efforts of talented inventors created products which will be able to provide normal life activity of clients with moderate degree of a disease, it is essential to facilitate the help to patients with strongly expressed disturbances....
Section: Articles about healthWeakness of an ankle joint – very widespread problem. Its existence is demonstrated by tendency to a podvorachivaniye of legs п...
Section: Articles about healthEnergy saving lamps are one of the most popular products of innovative technologies, and there is no wonder: they much more economic also are more long-lasting than usual filament lamps. At the same time there are fears that energy saving bulbs can become the reasons...
Section: Articles about healthAll know that self-treatment is dangerous. However absolutely it is almost impossible to do without it. Rate of modern life does not allow to handle each small trouble to the doctor and information on ways of independent delivery of health care is quite available. Means, all of us have only one: to learn to give this help competently and in those limits in which it is possible for the person who does not have vocational education....
Section: Articles about healthAll got used long ago that, having addressed the plastic surgeon, it is possible to modify natural parameters of a figure or to reduce...
Section: Articles about healthEach person has easy indispositions which he transfers "standing", trying not to ask for medical care. Arguments at the same time are adduced same: "it is a trifle, itself will pass", "I have too many important issues", "there are no wish to spend time on...
Section: Articles about healthNot everyone can brag of the shining Hollywood smile. Even the person who is regularly visiting the stomatologist and watching of oral cavities over health periodically has problems: enamel of teeth darkens under the influence of some products, on it the deposits giving to teeth a grayish or yellowish shade collect....
Section: Articles about healthClimax - process of fading of reproductive function of an organism in process of its aging. At women the main sign of its approach showing...
Section: Articles about healthThe thought that the mass of their body is too big at least once in life visits from 80 to 95% of women. Many women are so obsessed with this idea that constantly try all new and new ways of weight reduction. Considerable part of these method...
Section: Articles about healthLife of the modern woman is very difficult. Opportunities to realize itself are wide: it not only education and career, but also the most various hobbies from sport before needlework. It is not less important to build private life, paying an attention maximum to children, the husband, parents, friends. For all these affairs there is catastrophically not enough time therefore each of us tries to cut down as far as possible its expenses on necessary, but not the most fascinating housework. With it we are successfully helped by means...
Section: Articles about healthAbout 10-15 years ago existence of the computer in the apartment of the Russian was considered as a rarity and office rooms were only on перв...
Section: Articles about healthVery often as a source of the infection which caused a disease serves our house - the place which a priori has to be safe. However disease-producing bacteria can perfectly feel not only in insanitary conditions, but also in our apartment if not осущ...
Section: Articles about healthWhat will only not be thought up by persons interested to have a beautiful figure. Here the last innovation – for weight loss needs to be eaten greasy food. Let's understand whether there is at a fatty diet common sense....
Section: SlideshowTo look healthy and means well-groomed not only to be pleasant to people around, but also to feel strong, sure and taken place. To Spa...
Section: Articles about healthAspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) – one of those drugs which are known literally to all. It is available in each home first-aid kit, and many accept it at the first signs of an indisposition, often without having a fair idea of properties and a therapeutic eff...
Section: Articles about healthWe present to yours the TOP of the medicamentous means exerting the stimulating impact on a potentiality, i.e. on ability of the man to commission of sexual intercourse. At once it is necessary to tell that not always disturbances of erectile function can be eliminated with reception of this or that drug. The reasons of decrease in a potentiality there can be a set, from banal overfatigue before tumoral process in a small basin therefore if the man faces similar problems too often, it should turn...
Section: Articles about health