Main > Medical terms> Genkelya – Vastena a sign

Genkelya – Vastena a sign

Genkelya – Vastena a sign (M. of Henkel, the German gynecologist, 1870-1941; V. A. Vasten, Russian obstetrician-gynecologist, 1846-1910; synonym: Vastena a sign) – the indicator of compliance of a small pelvis of the woman in labor and the sizes of a head of a fruit established under the provision of the head fixed in an entrance to a basin concerning a symphysis of the woman in labor lying on spin, manual obstetric receptions; Genkelya-Vasten a sign is regarded as positive if the head acts over symphysis level (childbirth is impossible in natural patrimonial ways); in case of palpation the planes of a symphysis of the most acting parts of a head are lower, Genkelya-Vastena a sign regard as negative (the forecast of childbirth good).

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