Gepatikografiya (anatomic arteria hepatica communis – the general hepatic artery + Greek grapho – to represent, write) – the X-ray inspection of the general hepatic artery and its branches which is carried out after introduction to them by means of catheterization of a contrast agent.
The person accepting antidepressants in most cases will have a depression again. If the person coped with depression by own efforts, he has every chance forever to forget about this state.
For anybody not a secret that the modern person eats not as his ancestors. For the last 100 years in broad access appeared with...
Section: Articles about healthResidents of big cities quite often have a disease which is known as the syndrome of chronic fatigue (SCF) today. This illness affects the people belonging to various social and demographic groups and living on all continents. Most of all SHU to a podverzha...
Section: Articles about healthFor many women the word "fat" sounds as a sentence. In aspiration to an ideal figure they try to exclude, first of all, from the menu all dishes containing fats without having at the same time a clear idea of a role of these substances in exchange processes, and of effects for health with which food restrictions of this sort are fraught. For what the human body needs fats and as their deficit in a diet is shown, we also will try to find out....
Section: Articles about healthThe pancreas performs two functions in a human body: release of enzymes without which digestion carbohydrate is impossible...
Section: Articles about healthDiapers for adults – individual one-time means of hygiene which in some situations is irreplaceable and from such situations any person is not insured. Though nobody perceives need of their use with enthusiasm, however without it to a sra...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person in many respects depends on chemical composition of biological liquids of an organism. Specialists consider that PH value of these solutions has to be in range of 7,35-7, 45. The deviation in the smaller party (so-called "acidulation") is fraught with development of many heavy illnesses, failures in work of immune system, decrease in working capacity and deterioration of life. To avoid serious fluctuations of acidity of internal liquids it is necessary to adhere разумног...
Section: Articles about healthTraveling all over the world, many try to try the most exotic dishes of national cuisines. Exists even so-called died away...
Section: Articles about healthSometimes it seems that modern society was divided into two camps: representatives of the first are sure that only the woman has to be responsible for contraception, representatives of the second, respectively, are sure that it is destiny of men. Meanwhile Dov has a question of contraception...
Section: Articles about healthThe advantage of swimming for the person is so high that this sport is not only the most popular, but also is widely applied in medicine and rehabilitation processes. If you look for for yourself the occupation allowing pleasantly and to spend time, then swimming with advantage – the fact that it is necessary for you. And give learns several facts about swimming....
Section: SlideshowWood louse – the ordinary-looking unpretentious plant extended in all territory of our country. It quickly expands, and sometimes for...
Section: Articles about healthOn health of the person physicians know about salutary action of animals long ago. About 7 thousand years ago great Hippocrates recommended to the patients riding walks for strengthening of a nervous system and increase in vitality....
Section: Articles about healthMusicotherapy – a treatment method which caused and causes a set of a controversy concerning its efficiency. However the facts are relentless: during the numerous researches curative impact of music on an organism was scientifically confirmed. Since then in a number of the countries the technique is included complex therapy of diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory system, dorsodynias and a backbone, psychosomatic disturbances and many other illnesses. The musicotherapy in a pedi is especially widely applied...
Section: Articles about healthObesity is called by a disease of 21 centuries, for the last 100 years by the number of the people suffering from excess body weight, considerably increased...
Section: Articles about healthThe words "disease" and "patient" not without reason come from one root – "pain". As a rule, symptoms of illnesses thoroughly spoil to patients life. However from this rule there are exceptions. Some diseases are shown by signs which can cause even полож...
Section: Articles about healthThe healthy nutrition is the invariable principle of health and good health for long years of the woman. Nevertheless, in a diet at each stage of life there are the features allowing to support an organism by those substances which are most necessary for it at present. Eating according to them, the woman will be able to feel vigorous and strong, and also to adapt to changes in an organism so that they allowed it to lead active lifestyle at any age....
Section: Articles about healthThe phenomenon of improvement of a condition of the patients at administration of drugs who are not containing active agents, so-called effect of placebo is known...
Section: Articles about healthImpossibility to conceive the child – a trouble of many Russian families. During quite long time was considered that main "culprits" of troubles such are women. Modern physicians claim that the situation is different: about a half of failures at...
Section: Articles about healthCold is such painful that each sigh becomes a victory, heat "knocks" down, and the ache in joints forces to think only of pain. Some people with approach of the first symptoms of cold make the self-sacrificing decision to have a disease standing, and at best to rest in bed with a cup of hot tea. There is an opinion that if not to treat cold, then the organism itself, sooner or later, will overcome an illness. Whether so it? It is known that if in time it is simple not to begin treatment, apparently, harmless...
Section: Articles about healthCystitis, or inflammation of a mucous membrane of a bladder, this very widespread disease, which, owing to some persons...
Section: Articles about healthThe thought that the mass of their body is too big at least once in life visits from 80 to 95% of women. Many women are so obsessed with this idea that constantly try all new and new ways of weight reduction. Considerable part of these method...
Section: Articles about healthThe hysteromyoma is diagnosed more than at a third of women 35 years are more senior. This high-quality new growth which at early stages successfully resolves by means of medicines. It is necessary to resort to an operative measure only when patients too late address specialists, or therapeutic methods do not give the expected effect because of specific features of an organism. Besides, there is a large number of quite effective national...
Section: Articles about healthContrary to popular belief, the multiple sclerosis (MS) is not connected neither with sclerous changes of walls of vessels, nor about age...
Section: Articles about healthDogrose – one of the most widespread adornment and medicinal plants growing practically in all territory of our country. To most of Russians it is a beautiful bush it is known, first of all, as a source of fruits, extremely vitamin-rich....
Section: Articles about healthStriya (extension) are the defects of skin having an appearance of direct or wavy strips from 1 to 10 cm long and 1-5 mm wide. In most cases at women of a striya are located on a stomach, hips, a breast or buttocks. At athletes they can appear on shoulders and the internal surface of forearms. At initial stages of development of an extension have red or lilac color, but over time their coloring turns pale, and strips become whitish, getting a nacreous shade....
Section: Articles about healthVitamin complexes belong to the most popular drugs, probably, in our country there is no person who was not hearing about a floor...
Section: Articles about healthHistory of use of an anesthesia during operations contains more than 160 years. Annually in the world hundreds of thousands of surgical interventions during which to patients the substances immersing them in a dream and saving from pain are entered are carried out. Using an anesthesia to these...
Section: Articles about healthA little more than a century ago goat milk was a traditional food stuff of most of Russians. Unfortunately, today on tables of our compatriots it appears extremely seldom. The reason that the use of so useful product practically came to naught, not only in very modest volumes of its production and, respectively, rather high cost. Potential consumers are just insufficiently informed on unique properties of goat milk and that advantage which...
Section: Articles about health