Main > Medical terms> Vilmsa thoracoplasty

Vilmsa thoracoplasty

Vilmsa thoracoplasty (M. of Wilms, German surgeon, 1867-1918; thoracoplastica, Greek thorax, thorakos – a thorax, a breast + Greek plastike – a molding, a sculpture) – the extrapleural thoracoplasty applied at a chronic empyema of a pleura which is carried out by means of a resection on the paravertebral line of small zones of upper 7-8 edges with further (2-3 weeks later) crossing of the resected cartilages.

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The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.