Main > Medical terms> Age (1)

Age (1)

Age (1) – span duration from the birth moment before the present or before any other certain timepoint; usually in statistics is defined by the number of the years executed at the last birthday.

Mark out age (1):

  • Biological (synonym: age anatomo-physiological) – established on set of adaptive opportunities and functional, structural, regulatory and exchange features of an organism;
  • Calendar (synonym: age chronological) – established on the known date of birth;
  • Bone – estimated on a condition of a bone skeleton of the studied object, mainly according to radiological data which are compared with average data on terms of development and formation of kernels of ossification, etc.;
  • Morphological (synonym: age somatic) – determined by morphological features: growth and body weight, extent of ossification of a skeleton, dental health, development of secondary sexual characteristics, condition of indumentum, degree of rugosity and elasticity of skin etc.;
  • Draft – the age established by the law on reaching which the male population has to be called for execution of obligatory military service;
  • Mental to Bina-Simona (a synonym to Bina-Simona mental age) – the level of intellectual development of the child established on the basis of data of experimental and psychological inspection by means of tests to Bina-Simona.
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