Main > Drugs> Thyreocombum


Thyreocombum – hormonal drug for treatment of diseases of a thyroid gland.

Pharmacological action

Thyreocombum stimulates exchange of carbohydrates, fats, Тиреокомб в упаковкеproteins, increases the need of fabrics for oxygen, activity of nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Active ingredients of Thyreocombum – potassium iodide, liothyroninum, sodium left thyroxine.

In high doses these substances oppress production of hormones a hypophysis and a hypothalamus.

Drug on action is similar to Thyreoidinum, but he acts quicker. The first manifestations of action of Thyreocombum are observed in 4-8 hours.

Release form


Direct analogs at Thyreocombum – the drugs which are also containing all three active ingredients no. But there are drugs at which are present 1 or 2 same, as well as at component Thyreocombum: L-thyroxine, Bagotiroks, Eutiroks (left thyroxine contains), of Yodokomb, Yodtiroks (left thyroxine, potassium iodide contain), Novotiral, Tireotom (left thyroxine, liothyroninum).

Indications to use of Thyreocombum

Thyreocombum according to the instruction is appointed at an euthyroid craw at teenagers and children, a hypothyroidism, a diffusion euthyroid craw at adults. Pregnant women have a practice of successful treatment of an euthyroid craw drug.

Besides, Thyreocombum can be accepted for prevention of a recurrence of a craw which can be shown after therapy passing by a radioiodine or gland resections again.

The instruction of Thyreocombum – a route of administration

Drug is accepted inside, beginning treatment with a daily dosage of 0,5-2,5 tablets. If the condition of the patient does not improve, the dosage of Thyreocombum can be increased to 4-6 tablets. If treatment takes place in hospital conditions, increase in a dose of liothyroninum up to 150 mkg is allowed.

Small children are allowed to give 0,25-0,5 tablets of Thyreocombum every day. After a while to the child give drug at the rate of 100-150 mkg of left thyroxine on 1 мІ to a body surface.

For the warning of a recurrence of development of a craw to adults give 1-3 tablets of Thyreocombum every day, children of school age can give 0,5-2 tablets.

It is desirable to accept analogs of Thyreocombum only after preliminary consultation of the doctor.

Side effects of Thyreocombum

Thyreocombum can cause tachycardia, sleeplessness, stenocardia, Таблетки Тиреокомбdiarrhea, the increased sweating, a glucosuria, weight reduction, uneasiness, an allergy.


Thyreocombum according to the instruction is not appointed at an acute myocardial infarction, a thyrotoxicosis, myocarditis, hypersensitivity to drug, dekompensirovanny dysfunctions of bark of adrenal glands, the stenocardia diagnosed for elderly patients.

It is necessary to be careful to the patients having coronary atherosclerosis – the probability of an attack of stenocardia because of reception of Thyreocombum considerably increases. If the state nevertheless demands increase in a dosage of drug, control of an ECG is necessary.

Also it is necessary to consider that use of Thyreocombum promotes increase in level of salicylates, Clofibratum, Phenytoinum, furosemide in blood, reduces efficiency of hypoglycemic means, increases effect of peroral anticoagulants. Colestyraminum badly affects absorbability of Thyreocombum.

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