Application instruction:
Tizol – the antiinflammatory drug promoting acceleration of recovery processes in skin at various diseases, and also possessing protective action at radiation therapy.
Active component of Tizol – glycerosolvate titanium akvakompleks, is metalcomplex connection. According to the instruction Tizol is characterized by antimicrobic and antiinflammatory action. Tizol, according to reviews, promotes acceleration of recovery processes in skin, to disappearance of an itch, elimination of puffiness and reddening. Drug provides local anesthetic, radio tire-tread and dehydrating action. Thanks to a gel consistence Tizol is capable to get into fabrics, making immediate effect on the struck area, and also "to work" as the conductor of medicinal substances through skin and mucous. Drug is sterile.
Tizol release in a dosage form of gel for topical and external use:
Tizol's analogs on the mechanism of action are drugs Alvipsal, Apifor, Artrin, Betanikomilon, Vipralgon, Viprapin, Viprosal, Gevkamen, Diklogen, Dimexidum, Ointment Kuznetsova, Kapsikam, Karmolis, Nizhvisal, Revma-gel, Pikhtanol, Traumel With, Hondroitin, Finalgon, Espol.
Tizol according to the instruction appoint at treatment:
Tizol also apply at protection of skin and mucous membranes when passing sessions of radiation therapy, to prevention of formation of keloid cicatrixes and as the conductor of the accompanying medicines.
According to the instruction Tizol it is contraindicated to apply in cases:
Tizol appoint with care:
Tizol apply with a uniform thin layer on dry skin one-three times a day within 10-30 days. In 15-30 days the course can be repeated.
As the radioprotector drug is applied with a thin layer on fields of incidence before a session and in 12 hours after it, excluding contact with clothes for 20-40 minutes. If there is a local beam reaction, drug is appointed before its disappearance.
According to Tizol does not cause significant side effects.
Drug is stored in the dark place unavailable to children. A period of storage – 24 months (at a temperature no more than 25 °C).
Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.
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