Main > Diseases> Toxicosis


Токсикоз при беременности

The new life which arose in a subsoil of a maternal body is not only joy and expectation, but also the foreign body alien to a female body emitting harmful substances. At hit in a blood stream they get into all bodies and provoke emergence of symptoms of intoxication. Such fortune at pregnant women was come into by the name toxicosis.

Predisposition to toxicosis at pregnancy is inherited from mother to the daughter, and his true "responsible" are hormones. On terms toxicosis can be subdivided on early and late. Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy still differently is called a gestosis.

Early toxicosis

Early toxicosis at pregnancy develops in the first 3-6 months after conception. Within the first weeks the hormonal background remains at the invariable level therefore the woman does not feel discomfort. But growth of a germ leads to endocrine reorganization in an organism, and the pregnant woman begins to be influenced by all "delights" of toxicosis. It has complaints to reduced appetite, change of flavoring feelings, hypersalivation, nausea and vomiting.

Gradually hormonal background is stabilized, and all unpleasant signs disappear. If on terms early toxicosis drags on, then in most cases it means that the woman has problems with internals, in particular kidneys. Further the similar state can not only cause premature births, but also create a life-threatening situation of mother and the child.

On frequency rate of vomiting, the most characteristic symptom of early toxicosis at pregnancy, distinguish three degrees:

- easy. The condition of the woman practically does not suffer. It observes short-term morning nausea on an empty stomach. Vomiting can be from one to five times a day.

- average. In this case vomiting can occur already to 10 times a day. The condition of the pregnant woman worsens, symptoms of dehydration appear: pulse becomes frequent, there is a dryness of integuments, arterial pressure decreases.

- heavy. The woman is disturbed by excessive vomiting which frequency rate increases till 20-25 once a day. There is a sharp aggravation of symptoms, dehydration symptoms accrue, body temperature to subfebrile figures increases, weight is lost. At a heavy stage of early toxicosis even the slightest physical activity can provoke vomiting.

Most often meets the first and second degrees of toxicosis. As a rule, they do not cause special damage to health of the woman, and after 12 weeks all symptoms of early toxicosis smoothly fade.

Late toxicosis or gestosis

Late toxicosis on terms differs from early, its time comes after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and it disappears only after the delivery.

The gestosis is dangerous that at this disease normal functioning of all bodies and systems is broken.

Toxicosis on terms after 20 weeks begins gradually, external manifestations at it can not be therefore the woman long time does not guess that with health some problems appeared. The gestosis at pregnancy meets much less often, but effects from it can be much more dangerous.

This disease represents a triad of symptoms: hypostases, increase in arterial pressure and squirrels in urine. It is still unknown precisely what is a releaser for development of this terrible complication of pregnancy. Among the factors provoking toxicosis specialists call stressful situations, the burdened obstetric anamnesis, age of the pregnant woman, a small break between childbirth, uterus hyperdystension because of a hydramnion or a large fruit. But most often the gestosis at pregnancy develops against the background of chronic diseases.

When toxicosis develops at the woman healthy before, speak about a "pure" gestosis. If there are any deviations in health, for example, disbolism, a hypertension, diseases of a liver or kidneys against the background of which there is toxicosis then speak about the "combined" gestosis.

Depending on symptoms of a disease and a form of manifestations mark out four severity of a gestosis:

Отеки - один из признаков гестоза

- hypostases of pregnant women which develop at the very beginning of development of a gestosis. There is it because of disturbances of water-salt balance. Vascular walls become more permeable, and liquid freely gets to fabrics. First puffiness is imperceptible to a foreign look, then it becomes explicit. At the woman the pathological increase of weight is observed, in urine protein can be found.

- the increased arterial pressure. At late toxicosis against the background of hypostases of a kidney cease to function in the normal mode therefore the nephropathy develops and as result, pressure increases. At the same time blood is condensed that can lead to formation of blood clots.

- preeclampsia. High pressure, protein in urine and hypostases are characteristic of this stage of a gestosis. Puffiness extends not only to hands, legs or a face, but also to a placenta with a brain. As a result the child lacks oxygen, and the woman has such signs of disturbance of blood supply of TsNS as nausea, vomiting, a sharp headache, "front sights" before eyes, problems with sight.

- eclampsia. The condition of the woman sharply worsens, the developed attack of spasms is followed by a loss of consciousness. At a gestosis of this severity the risk of placental detachment, premature births and a hypoxia of a fruit increases. The lethal outcome as is possible from mother because of a hematencephalon, acute disorders of functions of bodies and systems, and from the baby.

Treatment of early and late toxicoses

Treatment at early toxicosis comes down to observance of a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition and reasonable alternation of work and rest. At vomiting of average and heavy degree hospitalization can be required. Treatment is complex, the antihistaminic drugs, means normalizing work of bodies of incretion, and influencing medicine TsNS successfully cope with displays of early toxicosis at pregnancy. Abortion at early toxicosis is shown only at threat of life of the woman.

It is impossible to get rid of a gestosis, but quite really to reduce risk of development of heavy complications. At easy degrees of late toxicosis treatment can be received in house conditions, in other cases stay in a hospital is required. A symptomatic treatment, hypotensive and other drugs are used. At inefficiency of treatment pregnancy for the benefit of preservation of life of the woman is interrupted.

Prevention of toxicosis

Правильное здоровое питание - один из факторов профилактики токсикоза

Displays of early toxicosis can be softened significantly if to follow a number of simple rules:

- in the morning, without getting up, to eat couple of croutons, several features of dried fruits or to drink a little unsweetened to tea.

- to eat fractionally, small portions. Food has to be digestible, low-fat and not acute.

For the prevention of development of a gestosis at pregnancy it is necessary to observe the drinking mode, to lead a healthy lifestyle and to eat healthy food.

At any indispositions it is necessary to consult at the attending physician and to strictly observe the recommendations made by him.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.